Page 8 - NEPALI_SB18_David4
P. 8
tkfO{+ g} this is what
æk/dk|e' O;|fPnsf k/d]Zj/
Tof] dflg;
are the the lord, the god of “I gave
x'g'x'G5 M d}n] tFnfO{ O;|fPdfly
x'g'x'G5 Û israel says: “I anointed æd}n] tFnfO{ O;|fPnsf
you the house
you king over israel, and of israel and
3/fgf / ox"bfsf]
/fhf cleif]s u/]F / zfpmnsf]
delivered you from the judah.”
xftaf6 tFnfO{ 5'6fPF======d}n] tFnfO{
hand of saul…I gave your 3/fgf lbPF .Æ
“and if
master’s house to you this had not
t]/f] dflnssf] 3/fgf lbPF / To;sf
and put his wives in æoltn] klg gk'u]sf]
kTgLx¿ t]/} x'gnfO{ lbPF .Æ
bn enough I
your arms.” eP d tFnfO{ cem
would have
given you
w]/} lbg] lyPF .Æ
æk/dk|e'sf] b[li6df
“why did you
despise the
h] v/fa 5 ToxL
word of the
u/]/ lsg t}Fn] pxfFsf]
lord by doing
what is evil in
jrgnfO{ t'R5
his sight?”
7flg;\ <Æ
“you kied
æt}Fn] cDdf]gLx¿sf] t/jf/n]
uriah with the sword
of the aonites
pl/ofxnfO{ dfl/;\ t/ t]/f] 3/
but now the sword
fgfn] slxNo} t/jf/af6 lj>fd
wi never leave your
house because you
kfpg]5}g;\ lsgls pl/ofxsL
despised me and
kTgLnfO{ cfˆgf] t'NofP/ t}+n]
t k uriah’s wife
dnfO{ t'R5 7flg;\ . Æ
as your own.”
thus says
k/dk|e' eGg'x'G5, æx]/\ d
the lord, “behold,
I wi raise up evil
t]/f] cfˆg} 3/fgfleqaf6
against you out of
tFdfly ljkb\ Nofpg]5' . d
your own house. and
I wi take your wives
t]/f kTgLx¿nfO{ lnP/ t]/}
before your eyes and
cfFvfsf] ;fd'Gg] t]/f] glhssf]
give them to your
neighbor, and he
dflg;nfO{ lbg]5', / To;f]
sha lie with your
lbpF;} ltgLx¿l;t ;'Tg]5 .Æ
wives in the sight
of the sun.”
“you did it
æt}Fn] h] ul/;\ Tof] u'Ktdf
in secret, but
ul/;\, t/ d of] rflxF ;f/f
I wi do this
thing in broad
O;|fPnn] b]Vg] u/L lbgsf]
daylight before
pHofnf]df ug]{5' Æ
a israel.”
@ zd"Pn !@M&–!@
II samuel 12:7-12 135
II samuel 12:7-12