Page 6 - NEPALI_SB18_David4
P. 6
why te joab
lsg ltdLx¿ kvf{nsf] Tolt of]cfanfO{ lg/fz gxf]pm egL
did you get
to not be upset,
so close to the eg lsgls t/jf/n] h;/L
glhs uof} t, ltgLx¿n]
that the sword
wa --didn’t you know devours one and
Ps hgfnfO{ df5{, csf{nfO{
kvf{naf6 sfF8x¿n] xfG5g\ then another.
they would sh t
eg]/ ltdLx¿nfO{ yfxf klg df5{ .
ows from
;x/nfO{ cfqmd0f
push on
the wa ? with the aack
lyPg t <
ug{ hf/L /fv / To;
and destroy
;x/nfO{ Wj+z ljWj+z
the city.
ul/b]pm .
ltgLx¿n] xfdLnfO{ ldRg]
nfu]sf lyP t/ xfdLn]
us but we drove
them back to
ltgLx¿nfO{ kvf{ndf
the wa .
7]Nb} nUof}F .
sfF8 rnfpg]x¿n]
archers shot
rnfPsf sfF8 nfu]/
ows and one
of those ki ed was
tkfO{+sf] bf; pl/ofx
your servant
d/] .
cfˆgf] kltsf] d[To'sf] ;dfrf/ kfP/
after receiving the news of
her husband’s death, bathsheba
a]yz]afn] ;ft lbg;Dd zf]s ul/g\ .
mourned for seven days.
a]yz]af bfpmbsL kTgL eOg\ . pgn] ltgnfO{ b/
bathsheba became david’s
wife. he brought her into the
af/df NofP / ltgLaf6 pgsf] Ps 5f]/f eP
palace where she had their son.
t/ bfpmbn] h] u/]sf lyP, To;df k/
but this thing david had
done displeased the lord…
dk|e' ck|;Gg x'g'x'GYof] .
@ zd"Pn !!M!*–@& 133
II samuel 11:18-27
II samuel 11:18-27