Page 30 - NEPALI_SB14_Judges4
P. 30

                 Get rid of
              k/d]Zj/sf] ;Gb"snfO{
               the ark of the
               God of israel--it
              x6fOb]pm – Tof] xfdLl;t
               must not stay
                  /xg'x'Fb}g Û
                  with us!
                                            pxfFsf] k|sf]
                                                His hand
                                       k xfd|f] lj¿4 k|an ePsf] 5   csf]{kN6   7Ls
                                            is heavy against
                                            us--and against time it won’t
                                        –– / 8fuf]glj¿4 klg .  8fuf]gsf]] xf]Og   5, xfdL o;nfO{
                                                           be Dagon’s
                                                                        Very we
                                                  Dagon.  –– xfd|f] rflxF 6fpsf]   we wi
                                                          heads--it wi
 kfl/ uftdf lnP/
                                                            be ours!   it to the city
                                                             hfg]5 Û
                                                                         hfg]5f}F .
                                                                         of Gath.
     ;Gb"snfO{ lnP/ hfcf]
      Take away this
      ark--their God
      –– pgLx¿sf k/d]       of] kL8f                                  of]
       is punishing
      Zj/n] xfdLnfO{ b08   –– of] luvf{n] d                     lxa|'x¿sf O{Zj/sf] sfd
                                                                    This has to
                                                                 be the work of the
         lbFb}5g\ Û       tumors are                          x'g'k5{ –– ld>Lx¿nfO{ pxfFn]
                          d/]t'No ePF .
                                                                God of the Hebrews--
                                                                 we have heard how
                             me!                              ug'{ePsf] k7fpg'ePsf] ljklQsf]
                                                                 He did this to the
                                                              af/]df t xfdLn] ;'g]sf lyof}F .  Yii  !
                                                                                   oof Û
                                                                                  Take this
                                                                                  of] >flkt yf]
                                                                                 cursed thing
                                                                                snfO{ Pqmf]g lnP/
                                                                                  to Ekron.
                                                                                     hfcf] .
                                     s] ug]{ xf] egL klnZtL zf;sx¿n] Hof]
        Away with
      kmsf{Ob]cf] –– of]            The Philistine rulers consulted  ætkfO{Fx¿sf luvf{ / b]znfO{ ljWj+z ug]{
                                                                   “Make gold replicas of the
        it--you wi
                                         ltifLx¿l;t k/fdz{ u/]=====
                                                                    tumors and rats that are
      xfd|f] ;x/leq /xg             their diviners on what to do…  d";fx¿sf ;'gsf] k|ltdfx¿ agfpg'xf];\ .Æ
        not enter
        our city!   We wi                                          destroying our country.”
              kfpg]5}g .
                 not fa  under
                O;|fPnsf k/d]Zj/sf]                                             æTof] ;Gb"s slxNo}
                 the curse of
                                                                                 “Send the
                  the God of
                >fk xfdLdfly kg'{x'Fb}                                          ghf]ltPsf b'O{cf]6f
                                                                                  ark by a
                                                                                  cart with
                     g .                                                        b'x'gf ufO{x¿;lxt
                                                                                 two calves
                                                                                 that have
                                                                                  Pp6f uf8fdf
                                                                                 never b‚n
                                                                                  k7fOof];\ Æ
                                               O;|fPn kmsf{Ob]cf] /   æolb Tof] O;|fPnlt/ nfUof] eg], of]
                                                 Return the
                                              ltdLx¿ lgsf] x'g]5f} .  k/d]Zj/sf] xft xf] egL xfdLnfO{ yfxf
                                                                    “if they head to israel
                                                ark to israel
                                                                          nfUg]5 .Æ
                                                 and you wi
       this is the hand of God.”
                                                  be healed.
                                                                    æolb xf]Og eg], of] ;a} ;+of]un] dfq
                                                                      “if they don’t, then this
 haƒened by chance.”
                                                                     ePsf] /x]5 egL kQf nfUg]5 .Æ
      28                                  I Samuel 5:6–6:13
                                            ! zfdPn %M^
                                          I Samuel 5:6–6:13
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