Page 34 - NEPALI_SB14_Judges4
P. 34

Your sons--they do not
       ha zd"Pn j[4 eP,                                 tkfO{+sf 5f]/fx¿ tkfO{+h:t} ;Lwf
        As Samuel
                                                         rfndf rNb}gg\ . ltgLx¿ 3";
        grew older                                      walk uprightly as you have.
        ta pgn] cfˆgf
                                                         They turn aside to bribes
       he a ointed                                      lnG5g\ clg GofonfO{ lauf5{g\ .  tkfO{+nfO{
                                                           and they pervert
        5f]/fx¿nfO{ klg                                         justice      ljZjf; u/]h:t} xfdL
         his sons
         also to
                                                                            ca ot trust
       Gofostf{ lgo'Qm u/] .                                               tkfO{+sf 5f]/fx¿nfO{ ljZjf;
                                                                            your sons as
        be judges.
                                                                            ug{ ;Qm}gf}F . xfdLnfO{ c¿
                                                                             we trusted
                                                                           hfltx¿h:t} xfdLdfly zf;g
                                                                              ug{nfO{ Ps hgf
                                                                              /fhf rflxof] .
                                                                             We want
                                                                            a king just
                                                                           k|e', tkfO{+sf dflg;x¿
                                                                           like the nations
                                                                          tkfO{+nfO{ zlQm dfGgb]lv ts]{/
                                                                            around us
                                                                          jl/kl/sf cGo hfltx¿ h:t}
                                                                              x'g rfxfG5g\ .

                                        t/ ToxfF ;d:of
                                       But there was
                                        a problem…
                                        pTkGg eof]====
      k|e', tkfO{+sf dflg;x¿ tkfO{+nfO{
       Lord, your people want
       to turn from you as their
       zlQm dfGgb]lv ts]{/ jl/kl/sf
        strength and be like
          cGo hfltx¿ h:t} x'g
         the pagan nations                         dflg;x¿n] eg]sf ;a} s'/f
                                                          Listen to
            around us.                             ;'g\ . ltgLx¿n] tFnfO{ xf]Og,
             rfxfG5g\ .                                 them--it is not
                                                        you they are
                                                    dnfO{ OGsf/ u/]sf x'g\ .
                                                           but me.
                                                                 They have
                                                             ltgLx¿n] dnfO{ Tofu]sf 5g\  /
                                                             forsaken me and
                                                              foowed other
                                                           ld>b]zaf6 lgl:scfPb]lv ltgLx¿n]
                                                             gods just as they
                                                              have done since
                                                               u/]h:t} clxn] klg cGo
                                                              they left Egypt.
                                                             b]jtfx¿sf] kl5 nfu]sf 5g\ .

                                                                                  Listen to
                                                                                s'/f ;'g\====t/
                                                                                  warn them
                                                                              ltgLx¿nfO{ uDeL/ r]
                                                                                  tfpgL b] .

      32                                   I Samuel 8:1-9
                                           I Samuel 8:1-9
                                             ! zd"Pn *M!–(
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