Page 31 - NEPALI_SB14_Judges4
P. 31

x]/ t                    ljZjf;
               L k--it
              –– of] t s/f/       ug}{ ufx|f] eof] –– k/d]Zj/n]
                                         I don’t
              is the Ark
                                      believe it--God
              sf] ;Gb"s kf]       cfˆgf dflg;x¿nfO{ ;Gb"s
                of the
              Covenant.               has returned it
                /x]5 .
                                      kmsf{Olbg'eP5 .
                                       to His people.
                                                                                   x]/ t
                                                                                 L k at
                                                                               –– ;'gsf luvf{ /
                                                                                tumors and
                                                                               ;'gsf d";fx¿ .
                                                                                gold rats.
                                                                        cF, kfFr
                           of] k/d]Zj/sf] xft
                           This is the hand                           Yes, five of
                          xf] –– xfdLn] pxfFnfO{                     kfFr cf]6f 5g\ ––
                            of God--we
                                                                       each--as a
                            must honor
                                                                     guilt oering
                            cfb/ ug'{k5{ .  Cut up this            klnZtLx¿sf k|To]s kfFr
                                                                     for each of the
                                        uf8fsf] sf7nfO{
                                      cart and we wi               ;x/x¿sf] bf]ifalnsf
                                                                    five cities of the
                                       use the w d
                                     sf6f}F / k/d]Zj/nfO{ oL          Philistines.
                                                                         lglDt .
                                      to oer these
                                      calves as a burnt
                                     af5f]x¿ xf]daln r9fpg
                                      oering to the
                                          k|of]u u/f}F .
            A iy !

                                                            t/ To; ;x/sf ;Q/L dflg;x¿ d/]======lsgls
                                                               But seventy of the men of that
                                                            ltgLx¿n] k/dk|e'sf] ;Gb"sleq s] /x]5 egL x]/]
                                                                city died…because they dared
                                                                        sf lyP .
                                                                to l
k into the ark of God.
        lsof{t–of/Ldsf dflg;x¿ cfP/ k/dk|e'sf] ;Gb"s lnP/ uP / Plnhf/
         The men of Kiriath-Jearim came and t
k up the ark
           of the Lord, and Eleazar was consecrated as
          nfO{ k"hfxf/L ck{0f u/]/ k/dk|e'sf] ;Gb"s x]/rfx ug]{ sfd ;'Dk] .
         priest--with the charge to guard the ark of the Lord.

                                           ! zfdPn ^M!#–& M!
                                          I Samuel 6:13–7:1
                                          I Samuel 6:13–7:1                              29
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