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Ochieng finished as leading scorer in the league with 20 goals,   and Steve Odiaga in attack. The club was unable to hold on to   Confederation Cup. These matches coupled with the Super Cup   deputise. The first match for the pair ended in 1–1 with Mathare
        ahead of the legendary William “Chege” Ouma who scored 16.   these superb players, many of whom left for various destinations   loss to Tusker and another league loss to Karuturi Sports led   United, followed by a 0–1 loss to Oserian FC, a win against
        The 1976 is one of the strongest the club had ever fielded. It   including the Middle East. The last two years of the 20th century   to the disbandment of the entire technical team led by Awono.   Sofapaka and a loss against Ulinzi in late April. This was the last
        included such stars as Masanta Osoro,[14] Paul “Cobra” Oduwa,   were characterised by inconsistent performances by the   Others shown the door included assistant coach Ken Odhiambo,   loss for the club this year in any match. From there the club has
        Festus Nyakota, Duncan Aluko and Duncan Migan, all of whom   club mainly due to lack of finances. Because the club was flat   team manager Jolawi Obondo, coach Julius Owino and fitness   won 7 out 8 KPL matches against Nairobi City Stars, Chemelil
        played for the national team at one point. Current Roads Minister   broke they were unable to hire a qualified professional coach,   coach Zablon Otieno.           FC, KCB FC, Western stima – by doing the double in both
        in the Kenyan Cabinet Chris Obure also played for Gor in the   Additionally the club has been unable to retain its quality players                                  legs except for a 1st leg fixtures ender draw against Stima. In
        1970s.                                             most of whom left after a short period for greener pastures.   The 2013 season saw Gor Mahia clinch their first league title in 18   August 12, the club is number 6th on the log after languishing in
                                                                                                                          years, under the leadership of goalkeeper Jerim Onyango and   relegation places in the first two months of the 2012 league. The
        In the 1979 African Cup Winners’ Cup final, Gor Mahia faced   2000s                                               coach Bobby Williamson. On the way to a record 13th title, fans   club also has qualified for the KPL Top 8 tourney final against
        Canon Yaounde of Cameroun, the defending champions. Over   At one point, the club refused to pay a KPL imposed fine. KPL   of the club popularised the phrase “Giniwasekao” around the   Ulinzi after dispatching Tusker in both legs of the semi-final. This
        confidence played a part in Gor Mahia losing the 1st leg 0–2.   Managing Director received full payment of the Gor Mahia   country, which is Luo for “we have taken this thing”.  after, getting a walkover in the quartes against AFC Leopards
        Lack of experience took its toll as Gor Mahia inexplicably lost   penalty from an anonymous “senior official of another KPL club”                                   who ‘feared’ showing up on matchday, giving a myriad of
        the second league 0–6. There were unconfirmed rumours that   who wrote in an unsigned letter that “it is deeply disappointing   Gor Mahia players further added to the club’s mystique by   excuses.
        some players had been bribed.                      that a few colleagues who are senior Gor Mahia officials refuse   finishing their Sportspesa Premier League fixtures for 2015
                                                           to respect the KPL policy against assaults on referees which their   season unbeaten.                            Gor Mahia also qualified for the next round of the FKF Cup (the
        1980s                                              representative approved in February. Their refusal to respect the                                                domestic title) after dispatching Borabu Chiefs 5–2 and are in
        Gor Mahia beat AFC Leopards 1–0 to win the 1983 league and   rules also saddens me because it is not those officials but their   MANAGERIAL HISTORY                 contention for a treble. This success is attributed to the good
        at the end of the match, President Moi presented the league to   own players who are suffering the most after playing so well this                                  working synergy in the technical bench, a tough fitness regime
        captain Peter Otieno Bassanga.                     year. Out of respect and sympathy for the Gor Mahia players, I   John Bobby Ogolla                               introduced by a Finnish expert acquisition of a professional
                                                           enclose full payment of Ksh 45,063 so they can resume playing.  A caretaker coach, former captain and all-time legend Bobby   goalkeeper coach but mostly to the excellent field combination
        Gor Mahia won the inaugural Moi Golden Cup by beating                                                             Ogolla, took the position of head coach, assisted by Technical   of the team’s players. The technical bench has revamped and
        Bandari 1–0 in the final. An injury time goal by Hezborn Omollo   2010s                                           manager Tom Ogweno (a former Kenya national striker and   reorganised the playing unit to create a potent force within just a
        secured the victory at Nyayo stadium. The tough Bandari outfit   From a financial perspective, 2011 was a landmark year because   Ulinzi Stars player) and was immediately thrust into tough fixtures   few months.
        coached by Mohammed Kheri was at the time playing in the   that was the year that Gor Mahia secured their first ever   against Tusker and A.F.C. Leopards. The team gave a very good
        Coast Provincial League. Winning the Moi Golden Cup enabled   legitimate shirt sponsorship. Previously in 1991, Gor Mahia wore   account of themselves in both games despite losing 2–0 to the   After failing to return on time from holiday, Logarusić was sacked
        Gor Mahia to participate in the 1987 Africa Cup Winners Cup.  shirts emblazoned International Casino. However the proceeds   former and drawing 0–0 against the in-form Leopards in a match   with immediate effect on 25 June 2013, and replaced by former
                                                           from that sponsorship are unknown and clouded in mystery. The   marred by crowd trouble.[                        Uganda national team manager Bobby Williamson 9 days later,
        In 1989 K’Ogalo retained the Moi Golden Cup for the 3rd   Ksh. 38 million Tuzo sponsorship by Spin-Knit Dairy was the most                                          on 5 July 2013.
        successive year by beating Kenya Breweries 2–0 in the final.   lucrative by any club in Kenya when announced. Gor Mahia went   In the next matches, Gor drew 1–1 with Rangers and 0–0 with
        After the match, Abass Magongo who was man of the match   on to win the FKL Cup and finish fourth in the league.  Sony as Ogolla tried to steady the ship from sinking.  Bobby Williamson
        was carried shoulder high by fans. Gor Mahia however lost the                                                                                                       Bobby Williamson’s managerial debut came in a league
        league title to a resurgent AFC Leopards who benefited from   At the beginning of the season, the club acquired Moses   Zdravko Logarusić                           match against Sugar FC on 17 July 2013.[53] He left the club in
        their recruiting spree and sponsorship from Crown Paints Kenya.  Odhiambo, a former international who had played in Tanzanian   In April 2012, Croatian tactician Zdravko Logarusić was drafted   September 2014, being replaced by Frank Nuttall, whom he
        [23] Having won the Moi Golden Cup the previous year, Gor   and Rwandese leagues and he proved to be a revelation.   as head coach. Bobby Ogolla, ever the gentleman, accepted to   recommended to the club.
        Mahia were back in the Cup winners Cup in 1989. In the 1st round   Teenage striker Edwin Lavatsa was also a big hit in his first
        they received a walk over when Villa of Uganda pulled out. In   season in the KPL. After strong performances in mid-season, the
        round 2 they beat Costa Do Sol of Mozambique 2–1 at home   steam run out and Gor finished 4th in the league, largely due to   ACHIEVEMENTS
        and tied them 0–0 away. In the quarter finals they faced LPRC   disharmony in the technical bench and overcommitment of head
        Oilers of Liberia. The 1st leg was played at Nyayo stadium. Gor   coach Zedekiah Otieno to the Kenya national team. In Otieno’s   CAF Cup Winners’ Cup: 1 - 1987    Cup/President’s Cup/KFF Cup/FKL Cup: 10 - 1976, 1981,
        Mahia played a disjointed game and the game ended 0–0. By   absence, Cameroonian assistant coach Anaba Awono led the
        this time, After the match, Liberian players celebrated as if they   club to win the FKL Cup after beating bitter rivals A.F.C. Leopards   CECAFA Clubs Cup: 3 - 1980, 1981, 1985  1983, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1992, 2008, 2011, 2012
        had won a Cup final. Gor Mahia team manager told the media   in the semis and then edging out Sofapaka in the final.The club   Kenyan Premier League: 15 - 1968, 1974, 1976, 1979, 1983,   Kenyan Super Cup: 3 - 2009, 2013 (pre-season), 2015
        that K’Ogalo would conquer the return leg. Indeed, they did,   also conducted its elections towards the end of November and
        winning 3–1 in Monrovia. Coach Mohammed Kheri had been   brought in many youthful officials.                      1984, 1985, 1987, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1995, 2013, 2014, 2015  KPL Top 8 Cup: 2 - 2012, 2015
        drafted from Bandari on a temporary basis to replace Johnson.                                                     Kenya Challenge Cup/Moi Golden Cup/Transparency
        In the semis they faced El Merreikh of Sudan. After winning the   Gor Mahia started the 2012 season in high tempo after attending
        1st leg 1–0, they lost 0–2 in the return leg in Omdurman. So Gor   the traditional Nyanza tour to meet fans and recruit more players
        Mahia bowed out in the semi final.                 from the fanatical homeland. The tour itself was a gruelling 6-day
                                                           affair where the team played 9 matches, winning 7 and drawing   CURRENT SQUAD
        1990s                                              two
        1996 was the most disastrous year in the club’s history. They
        were eliminated in the 1st round of the Africa champions league   The club went on a signing spree in preparation for the 2012   No.   Position  Player  10   MF     Khalid Aucho       23     GK     Boniface Oluoch
        by Zimbabwean outfit, Dynamos, leading to the worst riots ever   CAF Confederation Cup, bringing in more than 10 players.[31]   1   GK   Jerim Onyango (Captain)  12   GK   David Juma  24     DF     Israel Emuge
                                                                                                                                        Godfrey Walusimbi
        seen in Nairobi. In the League they finished 8th which was   Baldwin Ngwa and Ibrahim Kitawi rejoined the squad Soccer   3   MF   Abouba Sibomana     14      DF     Karim Nizigiyimana  25    FW     George Odhiambo
        unprecedented in the clubs history. In 1997, the club recovered   pundits and fans had cautiously termed this as one of the   4   DF   Kevin Oluoch   15      DF     Bernard Odhiambo   26     DF     Dirkir Glay
        and almost won the National League, only losing by goal   strongest squads ever in decades at the club. However, this                                 17      MF     Erick Ochieng      27     DF     Simon Pierre
        difference to eventual winners, Utalii. Among the players who   was not to be, as the club, despite a winning start against Thika   5   DF   Musa Mohammed  18   DF   Haron Shakava     29     FW     Innocent Wafula
        were instrumental in that campaign were Victor Onyango in goal;   United in the league on 12 February 2012, went on to lose   6   MF   Collins Okoth  19      DF     Eric Ouma          30     MF     Ali Abondo
                                                                                                                                        Ronald Otieno
        Josiah Ougo and Tillen Oguta in defence; Frazier Ochieng and   3–0 away to debutants Muhoroni Youth and 1–0 at home to   8   FW   Enock Agwanda       20      MF     Ernest Wendo       99     DF     Taofic Zachary
        Dan Ogada in midfield and Bonaventure Maruti, Steve Okumu   Ferroviário de Maputo of Mozambique in the first hurdle of the                            22      FW     Meddie Kagere      –      DF     Martin Werunga
                                                                                                                          9      FW     Timothy Otieno
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