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Motor sporting is well loved in Kenya, and includes motorcross Fresh water
for the younger generation, motor rallying, off-road racing and Excellent fly-fishing for trout can be done in the mountain
go-karting. The links below have more detailed information on streams of the Aberdares, the Mau Escarpment and the
the sport in Kenya. Cherengani hills. Lake Victoria in Western Kenya is the best
inland outlet for game fishing.
Safari rally
This world-famous rally is the only African event on the World Deep Sea
Rally circuit, and is without doubt the toughest of the 14 Kenya is reputed for having some of the best sports fishing
international rally courses. The first rally was held in 1953 to grounds in the world, with a long season running from August to
celebrate the coronation of Queen Elizabeth, and the race has May. The most popular species found include marlin, swordfish,
since then become an annual event. The promise of the world’s sailfish, dorado, kingfish and shark. However, for conservation
most grueling race brings many international drivers to Kenya, and research purposes, operators are encouraged to tag and
and the race is broadcast to a television audience of millions. release.
Rhino Charge CRICKET
The annual Rhino Charge is a local event that is aimed at raising Another sport that has grown in popularity in Kenya is cricket
money for conservation. It is a 4WD-rally through the wilderness and, with the success of the national team on the international
of the Laikipia region of Kenya. The race involves 4WD-vehicles circuit, it is poised to gain even more fame. The website below
following a course through extremely rough terrain to reach a will give you more information on the sport in the country, in
series of pre-arranged points in the fastest possible time. The addition to the fixtures and upcoming events.
course is designed with challenge in mind, and each year these
off-road vehicles are pushed to their absolute limits.
WATER SPORTS If you enjoy hiking, Kenya has a lot to offer. The most favourable
areas for hiking are the Aberdare Mountains, the Chyulu Hills,
Water sports of all types are available in Kenya. The warm Hell’s Gate, Mt. Suswa, Mt. Longonot, the Menengai Crater in the
seawater is ideal for swimming, with none of the health risks that Rift Valley, the Ngong Hills, the Cherangani Hills, Mt. Elgon and
inland waters have. Windsurfing, parasailing, water-skiing and Mt Kenya.
XXXXXX Of Nakumatt FC tackling a ball from XXX of Tusker FC jet-skiing are available at many coastal resorts and clubs. Also
available is yachting, sailing, boating, kayaking and white-water
rafting. The thrills of white-water rafting are possible on three TRAINING
main rivers: Tana, Athi, and Ewaso. As an athletics giant, Kenya now offers training facilities for local
and international athletes. The International Amateur Athletic
GOLF RUGBY For nature lovers, Kenya’s crystal waters in the marine parks Federation (IAAF) Regional Development Centre in Nairobi
One of Kenya’s best-kept secrets is the numerous golf courses. The game of rugby was introduced in Kenya around the offer excellent opportunity for snorkelling, scuba diving and the provides training opportunities for both coaches and athletes.
Few places in the world offer such a perfect mix for fantastic golf beginning of the century. During the colonial times, rugby was unique possibility to swim with dolphins. The most notable training camp is the High Altitude Training
holidays as Kenya does. The opportunity to play your favourite strictly for whites only. With the coming of independence, and Centre, which is located near Eldoret in Western Kenya.
game, to see wildlife, sometimes on the course!, and to relax on schools and clubs becoming multi-racial in the late 50’s and early
the beautiful white sandy beaches all during the same holiday is 60’s, rugby gained a wider appeal. Over the years, rugby has
unique. become an established sport on the Kenyan scene. Local teams
have played visiting foreign teams and toured other rugby-
Kenya has 40 golf courses, 12 of which are 18 hole and 10 of playing countries around the world. The Kenya Rugby Football
which are used for championship events. Six of the courses are Union was formed in 1923 with a role to manage, administer and
within a 20-mile radius of Nairobi. The oldest 18 hole course is develop the sport of rugby in the country.
the Royal Nairobi Golf Club, founded in 1906, and the newest is
the David Jones-designed pay-and-play 9 hole golf course, the Kenya Open Golf Championship
Golf Park within the Nairobi race course. There are several new This is the main event on the Kenyan golfing calendar, which
courses under construction, and a number are being upgraded was started in 1967. The idea of the championship originated
from 9 holes to 18 holes. Kenya’s ideal weather allows for golfing from Peter Thompson, an Australian golfer, and former Kenya
all year round. Golf Union president “Champ” Sullivan. The event takes place at
the Muthaiga Golf Club, home of the Kenya Golf Union, with the
For the visiting golfer, Kenya has a broad appeal. There is exception of 1968, when the event was held at Karen Country
everything for the fanatic golfer, whilst the avid golfer can fashion Club, and in 1976, when the competition was not played. The
his safari to include some wildlife viewing as well. A golfer who Kenya Open is the oldest championship on the African leg of the
prefers to laze on the beach can still fit in a game or two, and P.G.A European Challenge Tour.
the business traveller with an afternoon off can easily play his
favourite game right at his doorstep!