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Hello!                                                                    INSIDE THE PITCH

                                                                                                                           IT TAKES BALLS! - SEPT’ - DEC’ 2017

                                                 Welcome to our first edition of Pitch plus sports
                                                 magazine. We’re united in our shared passion and love
                                                 for sports and life, and where we reinvigorate our mind                  In Every Issue                                    On the Cover
                                                 and souls by immersing ourselves in the sports, culture                    03  EDITOR’S NOTE                                  08  PITCH CELEBRITY - New Kid on the Block -
                                                 and fashion of our heritage.                                                                                                      Nick Mwendwa (The New FKF president)

                                                                                                                                                                               05  FAN LIFE -  The life of a Gor Mahia Fan
                                                 But above all we’re united in the vision to help you                     PITCH FEATURES                                       18  HOW TO -
                                                 know more about sport life, by bringing you stories,
                                                 information and introducing you to a world of various                      08  FAN LIFE -  The life of a Gor Mahia Fan
                                                 sporting activities from all over the region.                              05  SPORTS CULTURE -  How to build a sports
                                                                                                                                culture in Kenya                            PITCH EXTRAS
                                                 Moving forward, be rest assured that pitch plus                            18  MAKE A DIFFERENCE - Support an upcoming        08  FAN LIFE -  The life of a Gor Mahia Fan
                                                 will reinvent and improve upon what you like in our                            sports talent                                  05  SPORTS CULTURE -  How to build a sports
                                                 publications, bringing you a better, bigger and more                       20  SPORTS ACADEMY - Kenya’s first                     culture in Kenya
                                                 informative publication in every issue.                                        international sports academy                   18  MAKE A DIFFERENCE - Support a talent

                                                                                                                            20  HOME GROWN - Foreign Sports icon with
                                                 We are honored to share the work of so many committed                          Kenyan roots                                   18  SPORTS ACADEMY - Kenya’s first
                                                 and thoughtful people. Please visit our contributor’s page                 20  SPORTS ACADEMY - Kenya’s first                     international sports academy
                                                 to see the wonderful contributors and read our bios. Also                      international sports academy                   05  SPORTS CULTURE -  How to build a sports
                                                 feel free to leave comments on the articles to share your                                                                         culture in Kenya
                                                 thoughts or ask the author a question.                                                                                        18  MAKE A DIFFERENCE - Support a talent

                                                 Above all, thanks to our writers and contributors for                    PITCH EXTRAS                                         18  SPORTS ACADEMY - Kenya’s first
                                                                                                                                                                                   international sports academy
                                                 throwing in with us and to you our first time readers, for                 08  FAN LIFE -  The life of a Gor Mahia Fan
                                                 making it real for us now.                                                 05  SPORTS CULTURE -  How to build a sports

                                                                                                                                culture in Kenya
                                                 With warmest thanks.                                                       18  MAKE A DIFFERENCE - Support a talent

                                                                                                                            18  SPORTS ACADEMY - Kenya’s first
                                                                                                                                international sports academy
                                                 Adams David

                                                 EDITOR-IN CHIEF - PITCH PLUS
                                                                                                                          PITCH EXTRAS

                                                                                                                            08  FAN LIFE -  The life of a Gor Mahia Fan
                                                                                                                            05  SPORTS CULTURE -  How to build a sports                 PITCH PLUS SPORTS MAGAZINE
                                                                                                                                culture in Kenya                                        is publised Qaurterly by;
                                                                                                                            18  MAKE A DIFFERENCE - Support a talent                    PITCH PLUS SPORTS AGENCY
                                                                                                                            18  SPORTS ACADEMY - Kenya’s first                          Mombasa Road, Vision Plaza 5th Floor, #41
                                                                                                                                international sports academy                            P.O BOX 48659 - 00100 Nairobi, Kenya
                                                                                                                                                                                        Tel: +254 (0) 780141304
                                                                                                                            05  SPORTS CULTURE -  How to build a sports                 Email:
                                                                                                                                culture in Kenya
                                                                                                                            18  MAKE A DIFFERENCE - Support a talent                    EDITORIAL TEAM       Adams David
                                                                                                                                                                                        EDITOR-IN-CHIEF -
                                                                                                                            18  SPORTS ACADEMY - Kenya’s first                          MANAGING EDITOR-
                                                                                                                                international sports academy                            PHOTOGRAPHER -
                                                                                                                                                                                        DESIGNER -           Emily wangui
    4  PITCH PLUS SPORTS MAGAZINE                                                                                                                                                                   PITCH PLUS SPORTS MAGAZINE  5
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