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Despite the popularity of soccer in Kenya, the sport that
Kenyans are the most celebrated and world renown for
is long distance running.
As a great sporting nation, Kenya is probably Nairobi Marathon
best known for her award-winning athletes who This event is organized by the Standard Chartered
scoop several awards at the Olympics and other Bank as part of its community assistance
international meetings worldwide. However, programmes. The inaugural Standard Chartered
despite athletics being almost synonymous with Nairobi marathon was held in November 2003. It
Kenyan sports, there is a lot more on offer to the has since become an annual event. The basic idea
sporting enthusiast. behind the marathon is to provide Kenya, one of the
superpowers of world athletics, with a world-class
Most world sports – golf, football, rugby and marathon of its own.
cricket, to name a few - have taken root in Kenya
and are fast growing in their popularity and Kericho Tea Run
participation. As such, Kenya is now a sports safari The Tea Board of Kenya has upgraded its marathon,
destination where one can enjoy: first organized in 2010, to a full international event
of 42 km. It is an exceptional experience where
ATHLETICS participants run through the well manicured
Kenya has a rich history of sporting legends, and plantations in the west of the Rift Valley.
her prowess at track, field and marathon events
lives on with past sporting greats like Kipchoge FOOTBALL
Keino, Joseph Ngugi, Moses Tanui, and current The most loved sport throughout Kenya is football.
ones such as Paul Tergat, Tecla Lorupe and With the establishment of several football clubs, it is
Catherine Ndereba, among others. possible to catch some local soccer action over the
weekend at the numerous sports stadiums. Kenya’s
Track and field events in Kenya are mainly held at national team is the Harambee Stars, and the Kenya
the national sports stadiums, including: Football Federation regulates and controls the sport
in the country.
• Moi International Sports Center- Kasarani;
• Nyayo Stadium;
• Nairobi City Stadium; The most popular sport
• Nairobi Gymkhana.
in Kenya is soccer. It was
Lewa Marathon introduced by the British to
The Lewa Marathon was established in 2000
with the aim of raising funds for conservation Kenyans in the start of the
and community projects in and around Northern 20th century, and is a pastime
Kenya. It is held at the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy.
Runners from all over the world are invited to enter that crosses ethnic and class
for the race, which has a reputation for being one
of the ten toughest marathons in the world. Run at lines. The national team of
an average altitude of 1,650 m, it is unique in being Kenya is called the Harambee
the only race of its kind run within a game reserve.
Stars, and other popular teams
Mombasa Marathon are the Coast Stars from
Given Mombasa’s reputation as a tourist
destination, the race serves an important role Mombasa, The AFC Leopards
in attracting and promoting sports tourism. The
sea-level altitude is a key attraction that makes and the Mathare United.
this event one of the world’s elite marathon
competitions. It takes place in the month of May.