Page 2 - BLOSSOMS 19 10-02-2021
P. 2


    Dear Parents,

    I can’t believe we are almost at half term already. As a staff we are continuing to look at outstanding teaching of
   literacy. On Friday we had an enjoyable staff meeting analysing our progress in writing and sharing good practices
   with one another. It was exciting to see the development in the children’s writing from Year R to Year 6 and the
   rapid progress the children are making.

   The Ealy Years and Key Stage 1 children have now completed their first 6 weeks of Read, Write, Inc phonics and
   Reading. Mrs Goje has spent 1 on 1 time with every child to monitor their progress. we are delighted with how far
   they have come in such a short time.

                                DISCOVER    .   DEVELOP    .    DELIVER
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