Page 57 - JAIN (Deemed to be university)
P. 57

Title of the Practice: Cartooning of Research Articles

           Objective of the Practice:

       a)  To inculcate  research culture among under-graduate students

       b)  To collect research articles from various archives
       c)  To read and understand the research article

       d)  To simplify the concepts of  research through cartooning

           The Actual Practice:

           Cartooning of research articles was given as an individual student assignment with duration

           of one month; the students were made to collect research articles of their choice in the subject

           from  various  online  and  print  journals.  Students  were  made  to  understand  how  to  read
           abstracts, detailed procedure and conclusions of the research.

           Students  were  made  to  simplify  the  research  by  using  cartoon  characters  for  better

           understanding  of  the  research  work,  charts  were  prepared  and  displayed  to  enhance
           interdisciplinary learning.


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