Page 55 - JAIN (Deemed to be university)
P. 55

b)  Understand the personal hardships of great scientists and derive encouragement and strength

           from their stories.
       c)  Learn the importance of team-work in creating creative material for public consumption.

       d)  Realize that talking about science can be FUN!

           The Actual Practice:

           The execution of the assignments included the following steps: -

       a)  Intense research into the scientific contributions and professional life of the assigned scientist.

       b)  Incorporation of the collected data and material into a comprehensive but short screenplay
           (10 -12 minutes).

       c)  Division  of  labour  in  terms  of  technical  details  such  as  camera  work,  cinematography,

           costumes, and sound effects.
       d)  Scouting for appropriate locations to shoot the film.

       e)  Ensuring the proper execution of technical effects for shooting of the film. Students were

           allowed to use English, Hindi, or Kannada.
       f)  Editing the film before the final submission.

       g)  Showcasing their work in front of an audience.


       a)  Students  realized  that  constructive  and  path  breaking  effort  has  been  done  by  people  of

           different genders, races, ethnicities and backgrounds.
       b)  Students understood that perseverance and discipline have been the two common qualities

           contributing to the success of many famous scientists.

       c)  Students learnt the use of multiple software and techniques to convert a science story into a
           publicly palatable format. This also teaches them methods of effective science communication

           to connect to the masses.

       d)  They  widened  their  career  horizons  to  include  options  like  documentary  film-making  on
           scientific topics, which can eventually allow them to collaborate with TV networks which

           produce said content.

       e)  Taught the students to work in large teams which are essential as most modern research
           teams require coordination among a large number of participants.

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