Page 54 - JAIN (Deemed to be university)
P. 54

       •  Class Mentor organizes each section into seven groups (6-8 members per group): 9  July
       •  Sections  (01,  02,014)  will  observe  that  each  is  assigned  seven  companies  across  seven

       •  Faculty Mentors will introduce the Business Jigsaw Game (matrix displayed in the classroom)

           on 9  July

           STEP 2

       •  On Trigger Dates, industry-wise business tasks (Trigger 1 and 2) will be displayed on in the

           classroom / shared to students
       •  Student groups to respond to Triggers on each day and submit their report (on what tasks

           their company takes based on the trigger – to class mentor in a require template. (Template

           will be given)
       •  On an assigned date, Student Groups to present to the class mentor – who will assess their



       •  Holistic understanding of business operations.

       •  Better appreciation of functional areas.
       •  Demonstrate team and collaboration skills.

       •  A spirit of competition and business acumen.

       •  Problem solving and decision making is sharpened.

           Title of the Practice: Cinematic Perspective: To participate in the dissemination of science
           and scientific knowledge via the medium of cinema

           Objective of the Practice:

           The objectives of this particular assignment were four-fold: -

       a)  Learn how to effectively present scientific stories in an audio-visual format.

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