Page 35 - Facilities Master Plan 2016
P. 35
Administration & Staff Support Library & Student Support Services Safety, Security, & Campus Control
Modernization, reconfiguration or new Includes media centers/libraries at the Asbestos removal, safety improvements to and/
construction depending on the needs of each elementary school level and library/student or new parent/bus drop-off areas and parking,
school site. Provide staff collaboration spaces unions at the middle and high school levels. covered walk at campus entry, exterior lighting,
and work rooms. Also included are student services, and safety locks in classroom doors, signage &
learning centers. wayfinding, marquee sign, administration at
the campus front door, fencing with controlled
entrances, fire alarms & emergency lighting,
public address / emergency communication
systems, intrusion alarms, security cameras &
other security systems.
2.5 PLANNING & CONSIDERATIONS Facilities Master Plan 35
SCOPE OF WORK CATEGORIES Lodi Unified School District