Page 24 - JCERDC Status Report
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                   The U.S.-India Joint  Centre for Building  Energy   ¾   Building energy model & energy simulation
                   Research and Development (CBERD) is engaged   ¾   Monitoring and energy benchmarking
                   in collaborative research and promotion of clean   ¾   Integrated sensors and controls
                   energy innovation in the area of energy efficiency   ¾   Advanced HVAC system
                   in buildings with measurable results and significant   ¾   Building envelopes
                   reduction in energy use in the US, and in India.   ¾   Climate responsive design
                   CBERD has its focus on the integration of information   In addition to the above tasks  CBERD  is also
                   technology with building physical system technology   working on crosscutting task of addressing cost-
                   with an aim to bring energy efficiency in commercial   benefit framework for energy investments adopting
                   and multi-family residential high-rise buildings.   the triple bottom line approach.
                   CBERD is dealing with multiple aspects of building   This outcome-based ongoing R&D effort will result
                   energy efficiency in a coherent manner. However   in significant energy savings by driving forward the
                   for ease of carryout R&D it has divided project in   development of cost-effective scalable technologies
                   to following six distinct yet inter-connected tasks.   and their implementation across buildings. CBERD’s

                        Knowledge Gaps or            CBERD Objectives            CBERD Methodologies
                         Critical Barriers
                                                  Research and Development
                    Lack  of  building  systems Evaluate and optimize the integration  of  Develop  a  Lifecycle  Performance
                    integration throughout the design,  building systems using the whole-building   Assurance Framework that stakeholders
                    construction,  and  operation  approach across the building  lifecycle to  can use to ensure optimal integration of
                    processes                 advance high-performance buildings  building IT systems with building physical
                                                                              systems through a building’s lifecycle
                    Lack  of  specific  energy  efficiency  Formulate Building  EE R&D strategies  Conduct  research  and  develop
                    solutions that will apply to diverse  targeted to the wide diversity of building  guidelines  and best practices for
                    building types            types in the commercial including new  building prototypes
                                              construction and retrofits
                    Lack  of  efficiency  technologies  Develop  a suite of R&D strategies  Develop  bilateral  transfer  of
                    and applications  customized  for  customized for U.S. and Indian applications  technologies  and products between
                    regional application      to help leapfrog transitional  technologies  the U.S. and India to help speed the
                                              while  developing  and  advancing  development  of regional  practices
                                              appropriate regional and local low-energy  normalized  to weather,  materials-
                                              practices and technologies      construction techniques, systems and
                                                                              occupant comfort
                    Lack of universally  accepted,  Enhance pathways to meet or exceed  Establish milestone-driven, short-term,
                    standardized  processes  for  building  standards  and  codes  through  tangible  results and long-term  goals
                    achieving  building  energy  decision   tools,   design   specification  using comprehensible,   actionable
                    performance targets for technology  algorithms, and best  practices that  are  data from emerging technologies and
                    R&D                       supported by measured data      their integration
                                                       Team Innovation
                    Building  energy  researcher, Boost the knowledge and capability levels  Facilitate & enable collaboration & information
                    designer,  and   developer  of building energy stakeholders  through  exchange among key academic & research
                    knowledge  limitations in the U.S.  documentation,  education/  training, and  institutes  to  disseminate  building  efficiency
                    and India                 demonstration                  knowledge broadly among stakeholders
                    Building  industry fragmentation  Accelerate  building  efficiency  R&D  and  Establish on-going, sustainable joint consortia
                    inhibits energy efficiency  deployment  through  a solid, functioning  that draw on core research and commercial
                                              consortium with bilateral  public-private  strengths of both nations, with well-defined
                                              partnerships                   cooperative responsibilities and roles

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