Page 26 - JCERDC Status Report
P. 26
Consortium Management
CBERD Consortia Management Office provides of Energy (DOE) and Government of India
core management support to achieve project (GOI) through the Indo–U.S. Science and
objectives, consortium effectiveness and quality at Technology Forum (IUSSTF) for project
every stage of technology development. It allows updates, management, and reports (quarterly
coordination of consortia’s expertise at different report to the DOE, semi-annual report to
levels, which helps to guide R&D priorities over the the GOI/IUSSTF, annual reports to both)
five-year period. The management team evaluates Coordination with:
technologies and systems during each stage of the ¾ R&D partners: review of partners’ task
CBERD project to meet performance requirements performance and reports;
to ensure R&D success through scientific ¾ Industry partners to facilitate R&D,
collaboration. Another goal is to provide oversight technology transfer;
efficiently while optimizing management/travel ¾ Project Monitoring Committee instituted
costs. Both LBNL and CEPT have formed joint by US and Indian government.
CBERD Management Offices (CMOs) led by the
CBERD Principal and Co-Principal Investigators, 2. Feedback from monitoring committee
supported by the Project Directors (PDs) and meetings and partner meetings
CBERD Intellectual Property Offices (CIPO). 3. Coordination for reports, event and briefings
In particular CMO focuses on: 4. IP management, technology transfer issues
1. Communication with the U.S. Department 5. Budgeting and tracking of expenditure
26 Indo-U.S. Joint Clean Energy Research and Development Center