Page 16 - Water Every Drop Counts
P. 16


                 Supply of Water

               Approaching Limits

               90% of earth’s total precipitation falls directly into oceans. As if this was not
               enough, precipitation over land is very unevenly distributed over space and
               time. But requirements of water do not vary much over seasons. This makes
               it critical to first impound and store water and then, to regulate its distribution
               for meeting human needs.

               Until the 1980s, the prevailing  approach  to water management  was to focus on taming of the natural
               hydrological cycle through construction of physical infrastructure (dams and barrages), reservoirs for water
               storage and new aqueducts/pipelines for inter basin transfers.
               With large scale supply  side opportunities  having  been  largely  exhausted,  and given  the resistance
               encountered  by  large  scale  water  storage/diversion  projects  on  environmental  grounds,  planners  now
               recognize the need for a shift from supply side management to optimisation of demand.


                                                                                      Water  on  the  earth
                                                                                      is     continuously  in
                                                                Rain clouds
                                                                                      circulation. Solar  heat
                                                                                      and  action  of  the  winds
                                                                                      causes      evaporation.
                                                                                      Once in the atmosphere
                                                                                      and  subject  to  right
                                                                                      conditions water vapor
                                                                                      condenses     to   form
                                                                                      clouds. In turn, and
                                                                                      again if the conditions
                                                                                      are right, the water
                                                                                      contained in clouds falls
                                                                                      back  on earth  as  rain,
                                                                                      hail or snow.
                                                                                      Of  the  precipitation that
                                                                                      falls  on  earth,  some

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