Page 6 - Water Every Drop Counts
P. 6
Water and Humanity
Eternal Flow
Considered as a symbol of life, purity and regeneration, water has
occupied a special sacred space in all religions and civilizations in
human history. It is a primary building block of life without which there
can’t be any life. It purifies not only objects for use in rituals, but is also
considered essential for making a person clean, externally or spiritually.
In Hinduism, water (worshipped as Varuna) is regarded as one of the pancha-tatva or five basic
elements of the universe. In Hindu religious texts, the symbolism of water as an instrument of
purification is pre-eminent which
integrates water into most Hindu
rituals. For a Hindu all forms of water
bodies are sacred, especially rivers.
For a devout muslim, the Shariah
(the Islamic law) contains both legal
rules and ethical principles for human
conduct. The original meaning of the
word shariah (arabic) is “a waterway
that leads to a main water source”.
The analogy is that the Shariah is as
essential to the well being of a
muslim as much as water is a
necessary element of life.
Sikh Gurudwaras must have
a sarovar (the holy pond) for
washing and cleansing prior to
offering prayers.Water in the
sarovar is referred to as Amrit (the
nectar of life).