Page 8 - Water Every Drop Counts
P. 8


                 Water on Earth

               So Much, So Little

                         DISTRIBUTION OF EARTH’S WATER
                                                                Atmoshperic water 0.22 %
                                        Surface water
    Saline                             and other fresh-          Biological water 0.22%
    groundwa-          Freshwater       water 1.3%                 Rivers 0.46%   Ultimately, humans
    ter 0.93%          2.5%
                                                                 Swamps and marshes   have less than 0.08%
    Saline                         water                           Soil moisture   of all the earth’s
    lakes                          30.1%              Lakes
    0.07%                                             20.1%                       water  available  for
                                                                                  their use. But is this
                  96.5%                                                           fact  reflected  in  the
                                    and               Ice and                     way we use water in
                                   ice caps           snow        Source  :  Igor  Shik-
                                   68.6%              73.1%       lomanov’s chapter “World
                                                                  fresh water resources” in   our daily lives?
                                                                  Peter H. Gleick (editor),
                                                                  1993, Water in Crisis :  A
             Total global      Freshwater      Surface water and  Guide to the World’s Fresh
                                                                  Water Resources.
               water                            other freshwater
               About two-thirds of Earth’s surface is covered by water. 97.5% of the water available on Earth is
               salty. Of the rest 2.5%, two-thirds is permanently locked up in the polar icecaps and glaciers. Of
               whatever is left, about 20% of is not accessible.

                                                                  PER CAPITA WATER AVAILABILITY
               Earth actually has more water than            80                                        82.2
               humanity  can potentially  use.  Today’s      70  Source : PH Gleick, The Biennial Report on Freshwater
                                                                 Resources, The World’s Water 2000–2001, Island Press,
               water crisis is not an issue of scarcity,         Washington (2000)
               but of management, equity and access.         60
               More people  in the world own cell          1000 cubic meter per person per year  50  38.2
               phones than have access to a toilet.          40
               Every day, lack of access to clean water      30
               and sanitation kills thousands, leaving       20           17.4
               others with a reduced quality of life.        10    4.23           5.72   3.92

                                                              0   Europe  North/Central  Africa  Asia  South  Australia/
                                                                          America              America  Oceania

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