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6 Blogs.
BLOGS and Blogging
Yes, you can Build a blog if you got a free solution. However,
if you are serious about blogging, it’s wise to start off with a self-hosted option
right away .
This will be part of your Hosted Website
By 2004, the role of blogs became increasingly mainstream, as political
consultants, news services, and candidates began using them as tools for
outreach and opinion forming. Blogging was established by politicians and
political candidates to express opinions on war and other issues and cemented
blogs' role as a news source. (See Howard Dean and Wesley Clark.) Even
politicians not actively campaigning, such as the UK's Labour Party's MP Tom
Watson, began to blog to bond with constituents. In January 2005, Fortune
magazine listed eight bloggers whom business people "could not ignore": Peter
Rojas, Xeni Jardin, Ben Trott, Mena Trott, Jonathan Schwartz, Jason Goldman,
Robert Scoble, and Jason Calacanis.
I really want to start my own blog and earn money from it. And everyone I
know just recommended me to use WordPress. I know WordPress is a good one,
but I heard Google Adsense wont work with it. Is it true? And if it’s true, is
there any platform that as good as WordPress that’ll work with Google
I would like an response anyone, preferably from the author. I used to write a
Blog and would like to start again. My previous Blog was hosted by WordPress.
I was paying about 29.00 dollars a year for many years, but all of a sudden it
jumped to about 150.00 a year. I tried contacting WordPress about this
unexplained huge increase, but they chose not to respond. Since you
recommend using WordPress, how can you assure me they will honour their
promises, and when they don’t, what can I do?
Here is my suggestion: Before you start a blog, make sure you have some ideas
what to write about. If you don't have any, think about your hobbies or things
you are passionate about. This helped me to find my niche/topic for my blog.
Awesome guide, by the way.
As mentioned at the beginning of this guide, I want to make this is as easy for
you to set up as possible, so I went through the process myself and did a few
screen captures along the way. Now you can follow along here as a reference
when you are setting up your Bluehost account and blog.