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The difference between digital and traditional marketing planning is that it uses
digitally based communication tools and technology such as Social, Web,
Mobile, Scannable Surface. Nevertheless, both are aligned with the vision, the
mission of the company and the overarching business strategy.
Owned media has never offered so much opportunity for retailing or been more
important in a marketing strategy than it is today.
The strength of your owned media experiences will determine how many of the
visitors become converted shoppers and fans.
We have been delivering retail specific owned media activity for our clients for
the last 15 years. We excel at using retail led content strategies to drive greater
customer acquisition and engagement while improving results and revenue
from SEO.
We have experienced SEO, content and online outreach teams who work
together to design joined up owned media strategies and SEO campaigns for
online retailing. Our SEO team understands best practice and the technical
considerations of optimisation in an ecommerce environment.
Our journalist trained content team develop ideas and content that are relevant,
engaging and interesting to shoppers. And our outreach team amplify great
content through online PR and social activity.
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