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4 Learning OnLine

                                         Learning On Line

            The format for learning on line is ever developing and changing,as in the
            previous chapter Multi Media.
            There used to a wonder breakthroughs  when we could get tapes to study and
            listen to ,Languages and Music ,

            Then to other media DVD, TV , Open University , Study at Home.

             Learn anything Whether you want to develop as a professional or discover a
            new hobby, there's an online course for that.

            You can even take your learning further with online programs and degrees.

            Learn together Join 7,783,844 people from around the world learning together.

            Learning is as easy and natural as chatting with a group of friends.

             Learn with experts Meet educators from top universities and
            cultural institutions, who'll share their experience through videos, articles,
            quizzes and discussions.

            Now we have advanced and Video Courses have taken over.

            Complete courses made and presented by experts  so you can learn and study at
            home at your pace.

            This is what we NitroBusinessAcademy  are presenting for you.

            Many wonderful subjects, to increase your skills and information

            This is where we are;


            Come and see what there is on offer
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