Page 14 - 02. Lasers Technology - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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28   Lasers Technology | Progress Report

               Although a remarkable decline in the incidence   ed increased temperature up to 300 oC. The
               of dental caries worldwide has been document-  compositional analysis revealed that laser ir-
               ed, it is still the most prevalent disease during   radiation promotes changes in the carbonate
               childhood and adolescence. On account of the   content and affects the intermolecular inter-
               widespread use of fluoride, lasers have been   action from (within the) mineral part of bone.
               tested to improve dental enamel properties in   Moreover, the proportion of organic compo-
               order to enhance its resistance to demineral-  nents (amides) in the bone samples signifi-
               ization. We evaluated the effect of combining   cantly decreased with the increase in ener-
               laser irradiation (Nd:YAG and Er,Cr:YSGG) with   gy density, which points out the importance
               fluoride on an enamel microstructure and de-   of using the proper energy density in clinical
               mineralization by FTRaman spectroscopy. De-    procedures to avoid thermal or chemical dam-
               mineralization promoted reduction in organic   age to the tissue caused by laser irradiation.
               contents; Nd:YAG laser irradiation promoted
               loss of carbonate and organic content, while   Other Laser Health activities (activities) in-
               Er,Cr:YSGG did not produce significant chang-  clude Development of therapeutic processes
               es in the relative band intensities of organic   of photobiomodulation and photodynamic in-
               and inorganic contents of the enamel. In lased   activation which aims to explore innovative
               samples, no effects caused by pH-cycling on    light-based therapeutic processes through low
               enamel were observed. Our group showed that    power lasers and light-emitting diodes (LEDs)
               laser treatment and its association with fluo-  to provide scientific background for clinicians.
               ride can interfere with the demineralization   Our major interests are to investigate the ef-
               dynamics, reducing its effects over the enamel.  fects of photobiomodulation (PBM) and pho-
                                                              todynamic inactivation (PDI) therapies. Other
               Infrared lasers can be useful in several appli-  activities encompass tissue optics, nanomate-
               cations, since they are strongly absorbed by   rials, and tissue engineering.
               water and hydroxyapatite, two of the main
               components of the body mineralized tissues,    Photobiomodulation
               like enamel, dentine and bone. The Er,Cr:YS-
               GG laser (2780 nm) cuts bone by thermal ab-    Photobiomodulation (PBM) is a non-invasive
               lation. In this process, the water molecules of   therapeutic modality used in Health Scienc-
               tissue absorb the laser energy, increasing its   es for pain relief, wound healing, bone repair,
               temperature and the pressure inside the tis-   although mechanisms behind its effects are
               sue, causing a micro-explosion that removes    still not completely known. Our group devel-
               the material. However, for an efficient and    ops researches about the physical, chemical
               safe application(,) it is necessary to know the   and biological mechanisms of the non-thermal
               exact effects that the laser irradiation pro-  effects of light on biological tissues. Studies
               motes in tissue. Infrared Thermography and     are carried out in vitro and in vivo to investi-
               Attenuated Total Reflectance-Fourier Trans-    gate the influence of PBM on cell cultures, tu-
               form Infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) tech-    mor cells, pain relief, bone repair, and chron-
               niques were used to characterize natural and   ic inflammation in obesity. Our results show
               irradiated bone tissue showing that irradia-   that PBM is able to trigger senescence in tu-
               tion at 3 J/cm2 promotes an increased tem-     mor cells(,) but proliferation in fibroblasts fol-
               perature of approximately 100 oC, while 6 J/   lowing gamma-radiation (,) reduces abdomi-
               cm2 up to 215 oC; 8, 12, and 15 J/cm2 promot-  nal adipose tissue inflammatory infiltrate of

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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