Page 19 - 02. Lasers Technology - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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Lasers Technology | Progress Report 33
Figure 15: Typical mapping of blood flow from a C57BL/6 mouse produced via Laser speckle contrast imaging. Isch-
emic hindlimb in region (1) and control in region (2). Color code: blue meaning low flow to red meaning high flow(.)
mice hindlimbs via LSCI, Fig. 15, is corrupted lenging and costly task. The possibility of de-
by respiratory movements. The recovery of a contaminate materials that present radioactive
SBF signal corrupted by artefacts from breath- surface contamination helps in diminishing
ing is feasible, allowing more accurate mea- the required volume of the waste storages
surements, Fig. 16. and at the same time allows the recycling of
the material, which(,) frequently, has an high
As a facility that has access to radioactive and market value, such as copper, stainless steel
nuclear materials, research and development and lead. Studies decontamination through la-
of lasers application in such area is an oppor- ser ablation achieved 90% of activity reduction
tunity not easy (easily) found elsewhere. for stainless steel, and 60% for lead, pointing
that this process needs to be further studied.
Radioactive waste management poses a chal- Figure below shows and scanning (scans) elec-
Flux (AU) 50
99 99.5 100 100.5 101 101.5 102
Time (s)
Figure 16: Raw register of blood flow from a control hindlimb during five minutes (blue), the corresponding mean value (red) and the
estimated background signal (green). The measured flow is corrupted by respiratory movements: (A) inspiratory and (B) expiratory.