Page 24 - 02. Lasers Technology - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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38   Lasers Technology | Progress Report

                                                              Figure 21. Spectra representative of the three
                                                              regions (amalgam, interface and tooth). The
                                                              mercury emission lines are highlighted in the
                                                              amalgam spectrum, and can be also (be) seen
                                                              in the interface emission.

                                                              Ultrashort laser pulses were used to synthe-
                                                              tize (synthesize) silver and gold nanoparti-
                                                              cles controlling its size. Starting from colloi-
                                                              dal salt solutions containing capping agents,
               Figure 20. High Resolution Electron Diffraction of the (a) di-
               amond-like phase and (b), its graphite precursor; (c) shows a   these were illuminated by blue light that neu-
               HRTEM micrography of the laser created structure with the   tralizes the metallic atoms, which aggregate
               characteristic 0.205 nm d-spacing of the diamond phase; (d) ex-
               hibits the corresponding electron diffraction peaks as a func-  into clusters. The solutions containing the clus-
               tion of the inverse of the d-spacing for the precursor graph-  ters were then irradiated by ultrashort puls-
               ite (gray spectrum) and diamond-like phase (blue spectrum).
                                                              es, which, through photolysis, break the clus-
                                                              ters into smaller nanoparticles. We have find
               The ultrashort pulses ablation creates an abla-  (found) that controlling the pulse duration and
               tion plume that leaves the substrate in a high-  its relative spectral phase is possible to deter-
               ly energetic state, atomizing their molecules   mine the final nanoparticles average size and
               and ionizing these atoms, which return to      its dispersion. This method is now being im-
               their ground state emitting its characteristic   proved to allow the synthesis of the nanopar-
               atomic lines. This, the emission spectrum can   ticles controlling its geometry, enabling the
               be used to analyze the elemental composition   production of spheres, rods, prims and on the
               of the substrate. This technique is known as fs-  nanoparticles shapes, thorough the use of an
               LIBS (femtosecond-Laser Induced Breakdown      optical control feedback by analysis of the
               Spectroscopy), and can be used in dissimilar   nanoparticles solution absorption spectra and
               materials with similar efficiencies due to the   a genetic algorithm. To use the genetic algo-
               nonselective characteristic of the ultrashort   rithm, nanoparticles solutions must be irradi-
               pulses ablation. Takin (Taking) advantage of   ated in a microfluidic circuit, which allows the
               this fact, we used the fs-LIBS technique to de-  use of small solution volumes that are modi-
               termine the diffusion of dental amalgam ele-   fied and measured in a few seconds, making
               ments (Hg, Ag, Cu and Sn) into the surround-   the use of a feedback loop practical. We (have)
               ing tooth structures. Figure 2 shows fs-LIBS   already have shown the control of the nanopar-
               spectra of (a) the amalgam, evidencing the     ticles size with this experimental scheme, and
               presence of the metallic components, (b) the   a patent application was submitted.
               amalgam/dentin interface, and (c) the dentin.
               The metals can be observed in the interface,   CLA is also involved in Generation of High Har-
               but (they) are absent of the dentin 400 μm     monics into the VUV and soft X-ray spectral
               away from the interface. Our results showed    regions as a complimentary light source for
               that the metals diffuse on the dentin of both   the new Brazilian Synchrotron. When a high
               deciduous and permanent teeth by a couple      intensity ultrashort pulse lasting tens of fem-
               of micrometers (,) and indicated that they dif-  toseconds impinges on a gas at low pressure,
               fuse by liquid transport processes, once differ-  electrons can be freed from its parent atoms
               ent metals migrate by similar distances.       by the leading of the pulses, and then be ac-

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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