Page 20 - 02. Lasers Technology - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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34   Lasers Technology | Progress Report

               Figura 17 - scanning electron microscope image of a lead sample, before (left) and after (right) the laser irradiation

               tron microscope image of a lead sample, be-    dars(,) are meant to profile the atmosphere
               fore (left) and after (right) the laser irradiation.  (atmosphere) with high temporal and spatial
                                                              resolution of particles and gases and are im-
               Another development being carried is the de-   port (important) intruments (instruments) for
               velopment of the deposition process of a thin   pollution monitoring, atmospheric dynamics
               layer film of boron by lasers aiming to de-    studies, nuclear safety surveillance and waste
               velop a low cost and portable neutron detec-   management control. Up to date(,) there are
               tor. Boron has one of the highest evaporation   four systems developed/deployed by IPEN for
               temperatures among the chemical elements;      several purposes. The earlier system is lab fixed
               furthermore, the boron deposition needs to     with 7 channels which operates by the prin-
               occur on the surface of a semiconductor de-    ciples of Rayleigh, Mie and Raman scattering.
               tector, thus discarding electron beams tech-   This system has been operational since 2000
               niques, which could damage the detector in-    and has produced many results on aerosol long
               tegrity. The functionality demonstration of the   range transport, atmospheric dynamics and
               detector has been achieved already; nonethe-   hidrological cicles (hydrological cycles) and
               less more studies are being carried (out) to im-  acted as a teaching tool has produced data to
               prove the process.                             support several graduation thesis.

               Laboratory of Environmental Laser Applica-     A second transportable system installed at
               tions (LEAL) started (began its activities) at   LEAL has been performing many experiments
               IPEN in 1999 with the implementation of the    all over the country supporting important state
               first lidar system for tropospheric monitor-   and federal projects.  A tracking system was
               ing in Brazil.  Lidars(,) also known as laser ra-  deployed in Cubatão in 2012 and active in

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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