Page 11 - 02. Lasers Technology - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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Lasers Technology | Progress Report 25
Laser applications
Blood Glucose (mg dl )
The laser applications are A
focused on 4 main areas: Control LED
Industrial, Health, Nucle- 200
ar and Environmental. The 180
processing of materials
with ultra-short laser pulses 160
(in the order of 10-13 to 10- 140
14 s) has been developed in 120
the Center of Lasers and Ap- 100
plications both for the un-
derstanding of the (physics) 80
interaction physics of this 60
8 9 10 11 12
type of laser with the mat-
ter as for its use in practical
applications. Unlike other 5
B Cell Viability (10 cells)
types of lasers, ultra-short
pulses can process struc- Control IR Laser IR + Laser
tures virtually free of ther-
mal effects. This enables 40
the machining of extreme-
ly small structures without 30
burrs, resolidified material
or heat affected zone. Using 20
such technique(,) very tiny
Tumor cells
structures has (have) been 10
produced on several kinds
of materials such as glass- 0 Day 0 Day 1
es, metals and polymers. In
polymers, very narrow and
Control IR Laser IR + Laser
very close grooves (~ 10 mi-
crons) are being produced 30
and used for alignment of
cells for growth of specific 25
biological tissues. In metals, 20
a color-forming technique 15
has been developed on its
surface without the forma- Fibroblats 10
tion of coating layers such 5
as oxides or nitrides, pre-
serving to the maximum its 0 Day 0 Day 1
physical and metallurgical Figure 7 – Microfluidic system for growth of luminescent nanocrystals.