Page 7 - 02. Lasers Technology - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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Lasers Technology | Progress Report  21

               lows for effectively focusing around corners   gle crystal fibers can be grown up to limited
               through multiple scattering samples.           Yb concentrations. Single crystal fibers with
                                                              1 mm in diameter and 10mm long were pre-
               In order to obtain these lasers(,) the growth of   pared with fixed Er concentration (0.5 mol%)
               crystal is an important acitivity (activity) in   and 1, 2, 5, 7 and 10 mol% of Yb.
               our center(.) Single crystal fibers are known
               as a low cost and reduced dimension alterna-   Because of the suitable optical properties of al-
               tive for laser devices and an ideal method for   kaline-earth fluorides - CaF2, SrF2, BaF2, MgF2,
               crystallization studies.  Fiber crystals are also   MnF2, this family of crystals, in particular the
               particularly well suited for wave-guiding in   CaF2, are (is) commonly used to build com-
               the IR region, tunable narrow-band filters and   mercial optics and devices in the ultraviolet as
               nonlinear optics due to their long interaction   well as in the infrared spectral domain. They
               length and tight beam confinement.             (also) found application also as laser hosts. The
                                                              growth of BaF2 single crystal fibers, doped with
               Rare earth doped tungstate single crystals have   rare earth ions (Pr3+, Tm3+) for spectroscopic
               early gained attention because of their suit-  studies aiming (to) the development of com-
               able properties for la-
               ser media application.
               However, many of the
               tungstate compounds
               undergo phase transi-
               tions and they cannot
               be grown directly from
               their  melts.  Among
               the  tungstate  crys-
               tals(,) the compound
               LiLa(WO4)2 is one that
               have (has) a relative-
               ly low melting point
               (1065 ºC) and no phase
               transitions upon cool-
               ing. We investigated
               the growth process of
               single  crystal  fibers
               by the micro-pulling
               down  method.    The
               material’s  synthesis
                                       Fig 3 - Single crystal fibers grown by micro-pulling down method
               by solid-state reaction
               and the effect of dif-
               ferent dopant concentrations on the melting    pact laser systems(,) were (was) performed. The
               properties were studied. (The) Addition of Yb   equilibrium of thermal conditions for the pull-
               modify (modifies) the melting behavior of this   ing of regular and homogeneous BaF2 single
               compound  and     LiLa(1-x)Yb(x)(WO4)2 sin-    crystal fibers were (was) defined for the mi-
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12