Page 6 - 02. Lasers Technology - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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20 Lasers Technology | Progress Report
Nd:YVO self - Raman laser, operating at 1176 ervoir to reduce dye bleaching, is connected to
nm and 589 nm. Also, the first three-level microchannel waveguides to increase beam
Nd:YLF/KGW Raman laser operating at 979 directionality. The device, which is pumped
nm and 990 nm. A highlight in terms of Ra- externally, emits a highly coherent and colli-
man lasers was a intracavity frequency con- mated laser beam of only 68 mrad divergence.
verted three level Nd:YLF/KGW Raman laser
generating 10 laser lines in the deep blue to - We also report resonant feedback random
cyan spectral region with up to 1 W of out- lasing from dye-doped biopolymer films, con-
put power. sisting of a deoxyribonucleic acidcetyltrime-
thylammonium (acid-cetyltrimethylammoni-
- The highest efficiencies for diode pumped um) (DNA-CTMA) complex doped with DCM
Nd:YLF lasers reported so far was (were) dye. The interesting feature about this ran-
achieved: more than 60% at 1053 nm in a side dom laser is that it works with a spatially lo-
pumped configuration in qcw operation, but calized feedback much alike a standard laser.
also at 1313 nm and in Q-switched operation.
- We report an alternative experimental setup
- We started to build highly efficient, dynami- to laterally focus light at an angle of 90 deg
cally stable, cw high power lasers with up to relative to turbid, multiple scattering media,
60 W output power, 60% TEM00 extraction using preprocessing wavefront shaping. We
efficiency and high misalignment stability, compare the measured image quality to one
based on OEM diode-pumped Nd:YAG mod- obtained in the usual configuration for focus-
ules. ing light through turbid media, where focus-
Fig 2 – Laser Resonator Schematics
- We are also researching random laser light ing occurs behindthe (behind the) scatter-
sources that are used in optofluidic devices ing sample. We demonstrate that the depth
for real-time system control and quantitative of focus in the lateral configuration is of the
analysis of important process parameters. same order of the usual transversal one be-
One laser source, using a hollow-core antires- cause both setups are designed to operate in
onant reflecting optical waveguide (HC-AR- the deep Fresnel zone. This result shows that
ROW) containing the gain media inside a res- this novel, versatile lateral configuration al-
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares