Page 5 - PowerPoint latih 3.1
P. 5

This tale brings us to the mys                The monster  offered to grant t

          tical island of Java Indonesia,  he Mbok Sirni’s wish, at a terribl

          where a widow named Mbok e price.; “When the child

          Sirni lived alone on her farm.  turns six years old, you will retu

          The widow was a kindly wom                    rn her to me to become my me
          an, yet she was overwhelme                    al.” He said. Despite the

          d by loneliness, and longed t                 condition, the desperate woma

          o have a child by her side. W
                                                        n agreed to his demand. The gi
          hen her loneliness became to
                                                        ant then gave her a single
          o much to bear, Mbok Sirni d                  2. ____________ seed to be pla

          ecided to pray to Buto Ijo for
                                                        nted at her farm.
          help. Buto Ijo was a monster

          ous orge who lived on the ou

          tskirts of the village, and was
          known to 1. __________ gra

          nt wishes to people.
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