Page 6 - PowerPoint latih 3.1
P. 6
In two weeks, the cucumber star “Give these to Timun Mas” t
ted to bear fruit, yet among the he hermit told her. “they wil
m there was one which was l help your daughter against t
larger than the rest that emitted he
a golden radiance, splitting it car monster.”
efully, Mbok Sirni found a The day finally 4. ________
beautiful baby girl inside. Filled where the orge came to the
with joy, she named the girl Tim Mbok Sirni’s house, “where i
un Emas. s my meal?”
At last, she had come to love he For hours, the monster chase
r daughter over the years and co d after Timun Mas and Buto I
uldn’t bear to lose Timun jo was steadily getting closer.
Mas, and yet she would never b Remembering her mother’s a
e able to stand up to the powerf dvice, she threw the first of t
ul orge, desperate for help, he pouches, a bag of cucumb
she journeyed to Gunung Kidul er
the Southern Mountain, to seek seeds at the monster, vines o
advice from a powerful f cucumbers magically spran
hermit, after hearing her plight, g forth from the earth, blocki
the 3. ___________ presented ng
Mbok Sirni with four small pouc Buto Ijo’s path.