Page 7 - PowerPoint latih 3.1
P. 7
The orge entice by the fruits st Suddenly, out burst a powerf
opped in his tracks to gorge on ul torrent of sea water formin
them. It g a giant wave which swept t
wasn’t long before he ate them he
all and 5. __________ his chase, orge of his feet. Buto Ijo is no
just as the monster was about to w determined more than eve
catch up Timun mas, she threw t r to catch this little girl who h
he second gift, a small bag of ne ad
edles at him. A dense forest troubled him so. Timun Mas
of sharp bamboo trees appeare had no where left to run and i
d where the needles had fallen. n her hand she held the last o
The giant orge eventually f the hermit’s gifts. She hurle
burst through the bamboo trees d the small bag hard as she c
ould at the monster. The bag
, wounded and enraged. Once
6 ______________ spice had
more as he neared Timun
transformed into a boiling s
Mas, she tossed the third pou
ea of mud, burning Buto Ijo’s
ch full of salt at the monster, ho
ping to slow him down.