Page 4 - Texas Police Journal November- December 2013
P. 4

From the Desk

of the Executive Director

Erwin Ballarta

Dear TPA Family,
Fall has arrived and our Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays are just around the corner. We
pray for our officer’s safety and wish each one a wonderful Holiday. We, at the TPA office, wish
each one of you a wonderful Thanksgiving, a Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Blessed Eid al
Adha, and Happy Hanukkah.

As you work during the holidays to keep us safe we will think of you and your family’s sacrifice
and pray for your safety.

TPA conducted a board meeting on October 15, 2013. The board unanimously voted to endorse
the Armed Forces Benefit Association (AFBA) and to offer their services to our members. AFBA
started in 1947 under the direction of General Dwight Eisenhower in the Pentagon. It was a service
only for the military personnel until now. General Eberhart and the board of directors are making
a push to make their military life insurance available to Fire/rescue and law enforcement. No one
will contact you by phone or at your home unless you initiate it. You will need to sign up yourself
if you want free additional insurance of $5000.00 that is exclusion free, and no occupational
restrictions. Everyone related to Fire/Rescue and Law Enforcement is eligible whether you are
commissioned or non-commissioned. Please read the letter on page 6 to give you additional

For the past few months we have been reaching out to offer training and to make new friends to
promote our common goal of “Professionalism in Law Enforcement.”

LEBA Police Mountain Bike certification course sponsored by TPA and DPS

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