Page 7 - Texas Police Journal November- December 2013
P. 7

In 1999, Ann Marie Carrizales was the Women’s U.S. National Champion Light Welterweight
Division Gold Medalist. She was the first woman in history to represent the Marine Corp in the
sport of boxing. She said that athletics give competition and training for you to go beyond what
you think is your limit. She said her boxing training allowed her to know her limitation and
strengths. “When I was shot, I knew I was not down and unconscious. I was not down and out.
There was no option to quit.” I asked her if she had any words of wisdom she would like to share
with fellow officers. She said that no one should have any excuse why they cannot train to do their
job better. People should take individual initiative to improve themselves to prepare for when the
time comes.

We are proud of her attitude and recognize her for her contribution to law enforcement.

Officer Carrizales with
Officer Mezegabe

Although she is receiving pay, she is still recovering and additional bills and expenses are mount-
ing up. TPA will collect any donations and present it to her. Let’s help our sister in the Corp and
Law Enforcement in her time of need. If you wish to give from your heart you may send a check
Ann Marie Carrizales
c/o Texas Police Association
P.O. Box 4247
Austin, Texas 78765

Stay safe until next time. Many blessings to all!

Erwin Ballarta
Executive Director

Nov./Dec. 2013 • • 866-997-8282 5
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