Page 17 - TPA Journal November December 2014
P. 17

burnout will vary from person to person. The Psychologist for the Los Angeles Police
most obvious physical symptoms are fatigue, Department, stated: “Many of the people who
nausea, and muscle tension, which often veil develop psychological problems are highly
other warning signs such as high blood trained, highly skilled people in which the
pressure, heart disease, gastrointestinal department has invested thousands, maybe
ailments and alcoholism (Horton, 1983). By hundreds of thousands of dollars. They have
sheer observation, physical manifestations are knowledge and experience that’s
more easily identified than those of emotional irreplaceable” (Daviss, 1983, p. 11).
composition. Mental burdens are often far To clarify the dispositions or patterned
more tenuous and can include feelings of responses that officers develop and utilize in
depression, irritability, hopelessness, isolation, day-to-day law enforcement, which enables
frustration, detachment, cynicism, and apathy them to respond quickly and without
(Smith, Jaffe-Gill, Segal, & Segal, 2007). A conscious thought, it is important to realize
police officer struggling with burnout can that said dispositions are more than habits;
literally be at the apex of both physical and they include thoughts, emotions, and actions.
mental exhaustion, and the agency, as well as Training, peer modeling, and repeated similar
the officer, will suffer many severe experiences serve to develop a disposition to a
consequences as a result of this career given circumstance (Southworth, 1990). The
exhaustion. These include: development of problem of transference within professional
withdrawal behaviors such as leaving work dispositional behavior is a definite emotional
early, arriving late, and taking longer breaks, manifestation of burnout in a law enforcement
resulting in interpersonal friction, such as officer, although most officers are unaware of
cynical and callous behavior toward others, the occurrence. A
small differences leading to monumental police officer is expected to be in control, no
arguments, and friends looking like foes. An matter what the situation. However, this
additional work-related behavior indicator is disposition of control and take charge can
declining performance, although while the become inappropriate and destructive when
quantity of the performance may not decrease, acted out in family relationships. The same
the quality may. However, in severe cases, can be said for the officer’s dispositions of
the quantity will also show a significant detachment in emotional situations and their
decline. Personal consequences can include a need to question everything, which make
suffering family life where emotionally spouses and children suspects in every family
exhausted officers go home tense, anxious, encounter and implies an underlying attitude
upset, and angry, as well as complaining about of distrust (Southworth, 1990).
work-related problems and eventual health- With all this in mind, it is important to
related problems including insomnia, examine what can be done to contend with
pharmaceutical dependency, and alcoholism burnout, individually and organizationally.
(Jackson & Schuler, 1983). On the personal front, Dr. Beverly Potter, who
Burnout is costing departments, across the has worked with law enforcement officers,
country, immeasurable amounts of money and notes that “the most critical step to combating
time and is robbing law enforcement burnout is to realize that you are having a
organizations of their best officers. problem. In other words, know thyself”
Furthermore, Dr. Martin Reiser, Chief (Scoville, 2006, p. 26). Relevant factors in

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