Page 18 - TPA Journal November December 2014
P. 18
personal knowledge include understanding the basis of the research material being
one’s personality type, health issues, sleep reviewed. In terms of burnout and the
concerns, diet matters, and regular exercise relevance to law enforcement, the individual is
needs, both mental and physical. Other impacted both professionally and personally.
coping mechanisms that individuals should The author hypothesizes that although the
also consider, according to Scoville (2006), organization bears some culpability, the
include: asking for help, celebrating little ultimate responsibility for controlling burnout
victories, appreciating the good things about rests with the individual law enforcement
the job, dropping unreasonable expectations, officer. The intended method of inquiry as to
realizing everyone cannot be saved, managing whether or not burnout is the responsibility of
time effectively, and idealizing the real instead the individual or the organization included
of realizing the ideal. In relation to the positive periodicals, journals, the internet, and a spousal
dispositions which exist in the workplace, survey of law enforcement officers. Results from
police officers need to deactivate these a seminar addressing causation of burnout
patterned responses at the end of the workday, conducted at the Texas Department of Public
thereby allowing the officer to become Safety Training Academy were also considered
vulnerable, to show respect, to have concern, in this research.
and to find trust in familial situations From the review of literature on law
(Southworth, 1990). enforcement burnout, it seemed very obvious
Organizational considerations to prevent that most of the data collected came from
and/or challenge job burnout vary, depending surveys completed by law enforcement officers.
on agency needs, but, hypothetically, could To understand another perspective of the
include: clearly defined responsibilities, burnout issue, and perhaps get a more realistic
realistic standards of performance, open viewpoint, a survey questionnaire with seven
communication, gradual introduction of major valid burnout personal consideration factors
changes, reward system for accomplishments, was sent to 20 spouses of law enforcement
and monitoring of managerial effectiveness professionals in two large Texas metropolitan
(Horton, 1983). According to Martinussen et areas, Houston and Dallas, which addressed
al., (2007), one possible intervention would be possible burnout factors that could be
to reduce work-family pressures by identifying transferred from work to home. The surveys
and improving work conditions to make it were sent with the expectation of being
easier for police officers to combine the two returned blind (without identification);
roles as parent/spouse and officer. Another therefore, the integrity of the answer was not
possible intervention would be social support compromised. The response rate was
from both colleagues and supervisors, which 60%, with 12 responses being returned. The
may also have a positive effect and reduce the response sheets were color-coded as to
likelihood of developing burnout. geographic area, with seven being returned
from the Houston area, and five completed from
METHODOLOGY the Dallas area.
All information was analyzed by the author as
Consideration must be made to determine if to content relevant to the study. Of the answers
burnout is the responsibility of the individual returned, 84 total (12 x 7), only three responses
or the organization, since this consideration is were left unanswered or non-committal.
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