Page 21 - TPA Journal November December 2014
P. 21

were discovered and discussed. Care was remains, either with the
taken to make sure the exercises did not individual or organization. The author
become pointless gripe sessions and direction hypothesized that although an organization
was provided to assure all discussions drew a bears some culpability, the individual has the
conclusion, whether positive or negative. ultimate responsibility in the control of law
Summary information was presented enforcement-related burnout.
concerning the prevention of burnout. The In conclusion of the review of literature and
suggestions were all centered on what the the findings from a law enforcement spousal
individual law enforcement officer could do survey, it is clear that burnout is a critical issue
individually to prevent burnout. Suggestions in current law enforcement.
for stress relief were presented and included Equally important is the necessity to identify
topics such as maintaining healthy nutrition and remedy burnout issues, either before they
and an exercise program, aligning oneself with emerge or in infancy, to avoid negative
positive role models and a positive outlook on consequences, both in the workplace and at
the job, and “don’t take the job home with home. In the end, each individual officer must
you.” Socializing with civilian friends as well make it a personal decision to turn a potential
as co-workers and finding hobbies were also conflict at work or home into a positive,
mentioned to relieve stress. Encouragement to thereby creating better circumstances. With
consider a change in shift or assignment, this consideration, the individual, by personal
thereby affording new challenges to keep the choice, does have the ultimate responsibility in
job fresh and rewarding, was the final solution burnout control.
offered as a viable option to burnout. The hypothesis maintained by the author
The experience of this seminar made a was supported by all research read and
lasting impression on the author. It provided submitted. These findings gave credence to
many suggestions the author has used the necessity of individual decisions and
personally throughout his career, and has been ultimate responsibility of control. Caution,
a good reference for the author to use with however, should be taken not to over
other law enforcement officers who generalize the findings of this survey. While
experienced some level of career burnout. the results of the individuals queried suggest
corroboration with the author’s hypothesis,
DISCUSSION/CONCLUSIONS future studies of this issue may find different
The problem or issue examined by the The study of burnout responsibility is
researcher considered whether or not burnout relevant to contemporary law enforcement
in law enforcement is the responsibility of the because of the exacting needs of the evolution
individual or the organization. By reviewing of the new generation of law enforcement
pertinent research material and through a blind who, by continual monitoring for burnout
survey, the author was able to get a better considerations, will be able to maintain a
perspective of the culpability of the positive, productive attitude, both in the
manifestations of burnout and possible workplace and at home.
remedies. Focusing on the responsibility issue,
the research question was very specific as to
where the final responsibility for burnout

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