Page 5 - TPA Journal July August 2018
P. 5

From the President

Paul Thompson

The Time is Now

I thank God for the blessings of liberty, freedom, leadership to meet with Think Leverage Services.

and allowing us to live and serve as peace The group included Past President Keith Fletcher,
officers in the greatest State in the United States. R.V. Stephens, Sam Garrison, Vice President
I would be remised if I did not acknowledge that Danny Barton, Executive Director at the time Raul
it is a great honor of a lifetime, to be elected by Vargas Erwin Ballarta, Assistant Executive
my peers to lead an association that has been and Director Mona Krieg and I was included. The
will continue to be at the forefront of professional result, was a revised strategic direction, which

policing in the great State of Texas. infused new energy into this iconic organization.

Only a half of century after the Republic of Today the Texas Police Association is comprised
Texas joined the United States of America, a of Peace Officers, Law Enforcement Agencies,

group of lawmen met together in Fort Worth to Businesses, and Citizens with the purpose of
discuss the future of policing in Texas. Since that making Texas Communities Safer and more
time the Texas Police Association have been at economically viable. A safe Texas is a prosperous
the forefront of every major step towards Texas.
safeguarding the safety of Texans by ensuring the
Right now, at this very moment there is an
professionalism of policing.
officer going to a call could be a theft, a
Nearly two years ago the Texas Police domestic violence, a burglary in progress, a
Association began a process to answer the shooting or an ambush. In case you havent
question of our continued relevancy today. With notice, the world is changing, all institutions are

the leadership of our Executive Director at that under attack; family, education, religious,
time Tim Ryles and President Joe Hamilton the political, and our criminal justice system. In
association voted to partnered with Think democracies there has been an understanding of
Leverage Services a remarkable firm led by very boundaries, in fact, a respect for boundaries,
accomplished experts, Steve Childress and Jon without it a society is a free for all, and survival of
Gergen. A group was developed from TPA s the strongest is only - until someone stronger

July/August 2018 • 866-997-8282 1
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