Page 8 - TPA Journal July August 2018
P. 8

From the Director

Erwin Ballarta

During national disasters and emergencies
Greetings, such as the 9/11 attack and Hurricane Katrina,
public safety communication, first-responders
actions, and agency response lacked the
Police Associations board has been actively interoperability. Learning from these
planning for a sustainable future. It is tragedies, we must be vigilant in valuing
important to remember that law enforcement working with each other to achieve a common
cannot fight criminality by ourselves. Law goal. There is a necessary need in sharing
enforcement agencies must have information, have a shared infrastructure for
interoperability to make an impact in fighting communication, and have a relationship of
crime. Cooperation and organizational cooperation between agencies.
coordination of resources is an important
factor. Law enforcement must also team up The development of law enforcement and
with the communities they protect and get community coalition for the common goal of
citizen involvement. It is through this keeping our communities safe will be the
coordinated effort that we will make an impact emphasis of our strategic planning. TPA will
in keeping our communities safe. We must continue to reach out to our partners and look
develop a law enforcement and community forward to working together to attain our
partnership. common goal of safe communities.

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