Page 6 - TPA Journal July August 2018
P. 6
comes along. The boundary line that supports growth, and sense of freedom. Consequently, It
and enforce the laws of conduct, that is expected truly matters to have great people behind the
of all people enjoying freedom is what I call the shield, the star, or the badge. Skilled police
blue line. It is the very glue that help keeps officers are a value to their families, their police
society, somewhat sociable, where parents and agencies, and their communities. In the words of
grandparents can take their children to a park Sir Robert Peel over 170 years ago, The police is
without fear of being rob, stabbed, or shot. The the public and the public is the police. For every
glue that gives hope to a business owner s Police Hater there are more police
concern about their own safety or that of their supporters.
customers. Or the freedom to shop at a mall,
TPA continues to develop a narrative of
driving on the roadways, or the feeling of security
professionalism through informal mentorship,
your home, even the freedom to protest is
leadership training, integrity by ethical decisions-
underwritten and payed for by police officers
making and standards of accountability through
willing to give their lives so that their
the training and education of officers, business,
communities can live in peace and prosperity.
communities and citizens.
A narrative is being written, every day, about
This association is filled with women and men of
what police do and not do. A narrative that says
quality, integrity and courage. Some are leaders
law enforcement officers do not care, not to be
with titles and others are leaders without titles.
trusted or believed. The narrative is being shown
Included are those in the police profession who are
on social media accounts, and main stream
called, gifted, and skilled to protect their
media Sometime the images are of police
communities, by their services. Additionally, TPA
officers doing great thingslike pulling someone
members include businesses professionals who
out of a burning car or taking time to play ball
understand the important investment that
with young people. However, the most view
professional policing gives to their bottom line.
getters are of officers in use of force actions -
Furthermore, membership is also the women and
granted some of the actions are consistent with
men throughout the State of Texas that realize the
what any officer would do in similar
police cannot keep their communities safe without
circumstances and some are of officers acting
their support. Finally, TPA consist of law
in ways that crosses the line from a crime fighting
enforcement agencies that recognized the benefits
protector to a criminal. In todays world police
that TPA brings to their police organization and
officers everywhere are judge by the actions of
community. These are the people- the flesh and
other police officers everywhere.
blood that makes up the thin blue line to make it
The narrative that TPA has been writing since its stronger and thicker so that our communities can
inception is that professional policing is a value to be in peace, our business flourish, our officer can
the State of Texas. It is a value to our economy, be exceptional.
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