Page 10 - v3-DignityFuneralHome-Guide-29-11-19
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          Notify these people as soon as            Cost Awareness
          possible:                                      The funeral arrangements to
              Relatives and friends                      include coffin, use of funeral home,
                                                         conveyance of remains, liaising with
              In the event of a sudden death – the       all third parties, final presentation/
              Gardai                                     embalming of the deceased, coffin
              The funeral director - to inform them      pad, grave marker, preparation and
              of the death of your loved and make        draping of the grave, condolence
              the initial contact with them to begin     books, graveside amplification and
              the planning process.                      professional fees
              Religious                                  Disbursements (payments to third
                                                         parties) including clergy, florists,
              Employers                                  music, obituaries, civil celebrants and
              Note: It will be useful to have the        parish funeral homes
              deceased’s personal information to         Purchase of a cemetery plot
                                                         Selection of the urn for your loved
          Meet with funeral home                         one’s ashes
              Clothing – having suitable clothing for the   Purchase of a plot for the urn or space
              deceased                                   in columbarium wall
              Jewellery                                  Catering/hospitality
              The type of Service                        Cremation Fee
              The Coffin Selection                       Grave Preparation

              The Repose
              The Death Notice / Obituary
              Burial or Cremation

              Booking a Cemetery Plot if required
              Arranging Service/Ceremony details
              Clergy involvement
              Personalisation of the service/ceremony
              Flowers or a charitable donation in lieu of

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