Page 9 - v3-DignityFuneralHome-Guide-29-11-19
P. 9

In a burial,  you need to choose a        Healing Power of Ceremony
          coffin and a cemetery. For cremation,     Coping with loss is never easy and
          you’ll need to select a coffin and an     funerals are an essential part of the
          urn and choose  whether to bury,          recovery process. A funeral provides
          entomb or scatter the cremated            those  who are grieving  with a
          remains.                                  supportive environment in  which

                                                    they can begin to find closure, say
          No matter which path you decide to        goodbye  and  come  to  terms  with
          take, we’ll be there to support and       their loss. No matter the setting,
          assist you in exploring your options      style  or  direction you  choose,  staff
          and making an informed decision           at Dignity Funeral Care  will assist
          that feels right for  you and  your       you to create a funeral that reflects
          loved one.                                your loved ones unique life journey.

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