Page 14 - v3-DignityFuneralHome-Guide-29-11-19
P. 14


          If  the  funeral  has  not  been  pre-    We can also advise on information
          planned, necessary arrangements           required for the death certificate.
          need to be  made for the funeral
          service.                                  This includes:
                                                    • Full Name and Address
          These include:                            • Marital Status
          • Scheduling the location, date and       • Date and Place of Birth
          time of the reposal and funeral           • Father’s Name
          service                                   • Mother’s Maiden Name
          • Selecting burial or cremation           • Name of Spouse / Next of Kin
          • Choosing Funeral Products               • Occupation
          • Arranging a cemetery plot
          • Preparing an obituary notice
          • Scheduling transportation ar-

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