Page 18 - v3-DignityFuneralHome-Guide-29-11-19
P. 18


          Can we dig our own grave to               serve an important emotional
          avoid the charge for opening              function for survivors by helping
          and closing it?                           with closure and allowing the

          Traditionally    and     historically     grieving process to begin.
          neighbours have taken responsibility
          for opening and closing the grave of      What happens when a cemetery
          the deceased in rural Irish parishes.     runs out of land?
          This tradition is allowed to continue in   When a cemetery runs out of land,
          some areas. However in cemeteries         it  will continue to operate and
          controlled by local authorities, this     serve the community.  There are
          role is carried out by local authority    cemeteries throughout the  world
          staff.  Alternatively,  Dignity  Funeral   that have been in existence for
          Care   have    professional    grave      hundreds of years.
          diggers  who are responsible for
          opening and closing the grave for a       How soon after death must an
          set fee.                                  individual be buried?

          Why is having a place to visit so         There is no law that states a specific
          important?                                time from for burial. Considerations
                                                    that will affect timeline include the
          To    remember      and     to    be      need to secure all clearance and
          remembered are natural human              permissions,  notification  of  family
          needs. A  permanent memorial  in a        and friends, preparation of cemetery
          cemetery provides a focal point for       site and religious considerations.
          remembrance and memorializing             Environmental  health  laws  may
          the deceased.  Throughout human           have limitations on the maximum
          history, remembering the dead is          length of time allowed to pass prior
          a key component of almost every           to final internment.
          culture. Remembrance practices

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