Page 23 - v3-DignityFuneralHome-Guide-29-11-19
P. 23


          remains. Since it is illegal to perform   Can the family witness the
          more than one cremation at a time,        cremation?
          it is next to impossible to receive the   Yes they can; some cremation
          incorrect remains.                        providers will allow family members

                                                    to be present  when the body is
          What do the cremated remains              placed in the cremation chamber.
          look like?                                Some religious groups even include

          Cremated remains resemble coarse          this as part of their funeral custom.
          sand and are whitish to light grey in
          colour.  The remains of an average        Can a cremation urn be brought
          sized adult usually weighs between        into church?
          6 and 9 pounds.                           Nearly  all  Protestant  Churches
                                                    allow for the urn  to be present

          What can be done with the                 during the memorial service. Most
          cremated remains?                         Catholic Churches also allow the
                                                    remains to be present during the
          Cremated remains can be buried in a       Memorial Mass. It is encouraged
          cemetery, interred in a columbarium       that cremated remains be a part of
          wall, kept at home or scattered.
                                                    a funeral as it provides a focal point
                                                    for the service.
          Are all the cremated remains

          With  the  exception  of  minute  and
          microscopic particles, all of the
          cremated remains are given back to
          the family.

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