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                        FAQ’S ABOUT FUNERALS

          What is a funeral?                        funeral directors are there to provide

          A funeral is a ceremony for a             moral support and guidance for
          deceased person prior to burial           someone coping with death.
          or cremation.  A funeral gives the
          opportunity for family and friends of     What if a death occurs away
          the deceased to gather and mourn          from my home town?
          the passing of their loved one, to        We are here to help, we can arrange
          share cherished memories and              to have the remains transported
          celebrate their life. A funeral is a vital   home from anywhere in the world.
          first step to help the bereaved heal      We  will assume responsibility and
          after the loss of someone special.        make the proper arrangements to
          There are many unique  ways to            ensure  your loved one’s remains
          celebrate  life,  -  let  the  funeral    come home as efficiently as possi-
          director know exactly  what  your         ble. This  is  referred  to  as  repatria-
          desires are and they  will honour         tion.
          your wishes.
                                                    What is embalming and what

          Who are funeral directors and             purpose does it serve?
          what do they do?                          Embalming preserves the body, it
          Funeral directors are in charge of        slows down decomposition and en-
          all the logistics following a death.      hances the appearance of the body
          They complete all the necessary           damaged by traumatic death or
          paperwork, make arrangements for          illness. Embalming gives time to the
          the transportation of the body, and       family of the deceased to arrange
          put into action the choices made by       a service, and allows the family
          the family in regards to the funeral      the option of having an open-coffin
          service and the final resting place of    viewing.
          the body. Beyond the logistics,

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