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                                  LEGAL ADVICE                                                                                                               091 841044


          Probate & Administration                  Executors
          Probate is the legal process of           An    Executor    is  the   Personal
          proving a  Will in the High Court         Representative    of   your   Estate
          to facilitate distribution of all         nominated by  you in  your  Will.   A               Westbridge, Loughrea, Co. Galway, H62 F762  •
          assets in accordance with the Will.       minimum of one Executor must be
          Administration is the legal process       named and he/she must be over 18
          involved where there is no Will and       years of age and not suffering from
          an Intestacy arises.   It is always       a legal disability.  The Executor is the
          necessary to  extract  a  Grant of        person in charge of taking control
          Probate  or Administration  where         of your assets, paying off debts and
          there is real property.  However,         distributing assets to those entitled               A DYNAMIC
          where there is only personal              under  your  Will.   An Executor is
          property then a Grant of Probate/         not obliged to act and has the                      PRACTICE IN THE
          Administration will only be required      right to refuse and it is therefore
          where there are of certain value.  It     recommended that more than one
          is not necessary for the Executor         Executor is appointed.                              WEST OF IRELAND
          or  Administrator to attend before
          the Court and all documentation
          is  prepared  and  filed  through  the
          Probate  Office.  Although  it  is  not                                                                                            We understand how important it is for bereaved
          essential to engage a solicitor                                                                                                    family members to have a sympathetic listening ear
          to extract  Grant of Probate/
          Administration, the vast majority of                                                                                               and solid advice and support when they have lost a
          people do so as the procedure can                                                                                                  loved one.  At such a difficult time, it is essential that
          be extremely complex and onerous.                                                                                                  as professionals we ease the additional stress which

                                                                                                                                             can be caused by navigating through the legal
                                                                                                                                             process.  Our years of experience equip us in identi-
                                                                                                                                             fying at an early stage any problems which may arise,
                                                                                                                                             guiding our Clients seamlessly through the process

                                                                                                                                                and finalising all matters quickly and efficiently.

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                                                                                                                        PROVIDING LEGAL SERVICES SINCE 1921
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