Page 29 - v3-DignityFuneralHome-Guide-29-11-19
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What type of service should I embalming and other preparation
have? of the remains, the use of a funeral
If no pre-arrangements have been home for the ceremony and the
made, the type of service is entirely purchase of a coffin/casket or urn.
up to you. Services are usually held Funeral directors work an average
at a funeral home or a place of of 40 hours per funeral. The cost of
worship. Our funeral directors are operating a funeral home is factored
more than happy to work with you to into the cost as well. Funeral homes
figure out what would be the most are a 24 hour operation, with
appropriate. extensive facilities that need to be
Can I personalise a funeral?
Of course you can, in fact more What if am not satisfied with the
and more people are opting for a way a funeral was handled?
more non-traditional personalised I would immediately address my
service. concerns with the funeral director. If
you are unhappy with the outcome,
Do I need to have an the management of Dignity Funeral
embalming? Care can be contacted on 087 142
Embalming is recommended, 7271.
especially if there is an extended
gap between death and burial or
How much does a funeral cost?
The cost of the funeral varies
depending on the wishes you have.
The cost includes all professional
services including transportation,
Dignity Funeral Care | Page 29