Page 24 - v3-DignityFuneralHome-Guide-29-11-19
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          DO the following:                         Sign the condolence book  –  The

          Express your condolences - It’s not       family  will keep the condolence
          easy to come up with the words to         book as a memento for  years. Be
          offer  sympathy  to  someone  who         sure to include your full name and
          has just lost a loved one. You don’t      your address.
          need to be a poet, simply saying
          something like “I am sorry for your       Give a gift – You don’t need to go
          loss, my thoughts and prayers are         overboard with your gift, after all it
          with you and your family” is enough.      is the thought that counts. Suitable
          If you can’t be at a funeral service      gifts include; flowers, a donation to
          in person, sending a card or leaving      the charity of the family’s choice,
          a message on a memorial website           or  you can make a commitment
          is a perfect  way to express  your        of service to the family at a later
          sympathy.                                 date. A commitment of service can
                                                    be something as little as cooking
          Dress appropriately  – For family         them dinner, or offering to clean up
          members, gone are the days of             their house. Make sure you provide
          dressing up in all black for a funeral,   a signed card so the family knows
          but overly casual isn’t exactly           who gave the gift.
          acceptable either.  You should still
          dress  appropriately. Wearing  what       Keep  in Touch:  You may feel that
          you  would  wear to a formal event        the family needs their space and
          would be the most appropriate. In         time to grieve, but a simple phone
          some cases there may have been a          call or note after the funeral lets the
          request from the deceased to wear         family know  you care.  With social
          bright colours or less formal attire.     networking leaving a quick note
                                                    is as simple as a click of a mouse.
                                                    The months after a death are when
                                                    grieving friends and family need the
                                                    most support.

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