Page 22 - v3-DignityFuneralHome-Guide-29-11-19
P. 22


          What is cremation?                        How long does the actual

          Cremation is the process of reducing      cremation take?
          the human body to bone fragments          It all depends on the weight of the
          which are ground down to ash.             individual. For an average sized
                                                    adult, cremation can take two to
         What is a basic cremation?                 three hours at a normal operating

         A  basic  cremation,  also  known  as      temperature of between 1600 and
         direct cremation  would consist            1900 degrees Fahrenheit.
         of  just the  preparation  and  the
         cremation. It would not involve any        How can I be sure I receive the
         ceremonies or services.                    correct remains?
                                                    All  reputable  cremation  providers
         Is a coffin needed for cremation?          have developed rigorous sets of

         A  coffin  is  required,  this  may  be    operating policies and procedures
         constructed of  wood or cardboard          in order to maximize the level of
         or a combination of the two.  You          service and minimize the potential
         may also use a coffin that has been        for  human  error.  Crematoriums
         designed for cremation or burial if        will place a stainless steel disc
         you wish.                                  with the deceased  which has an
                                                    identification  number  on  it.  This

          Is embalming required prior to            disc is assigned to the deceased
          cremation?                                when they come into the care of the
          No,  it  is  not  required,  but  in  the   crematorium. The disc remains with
          process of a traditional funeral, we      the deceased throughout the entire
          do recommend embalming of the             cremation process and is attached
          deceased.  At Dignity Funeral Care,       to the bag containing the cremated
          we  would recommend a closed
          coffin funeral where the remains has
          not been embalmed.

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